i got biRthdaze gifts
4 RacheLLe Yvonne kavand Many naMes etc.
& Nikki $heRí jack$on MANy naMes etc.
& René $heRí batt Many naMes etc.
& chRi$topheR jaMe$ gRay/gRey aka kRi$2fuR kLown MANy naMes etc.
& DEBRA LyNN MCLain Many Names etc.
The chaRacteRs on bags Look Like suMMa theM see in tha iMages
& AS i PReviousLy feLL on My head suM how Like sum kinda possession situation oR did i ReaLLy accidentaLLy faLL...eitheRwaze when i got 2 tha 99 cent onLy stoRes suM daze LateR...
those bags appeaRed on tha waLL as at that tyMe iM stiLL recoveRing fRoM injuRies it is Like waLking in ACOMA... & it was Like those identities THA BAGS they Look Like appeaR in spiRit even if we staze RivaLing Like iMa pRincess duh...so i got tha bags & i stuff them wit gifts...took bout 2 weeks oR so 2 ReaLLy get back in ReaLity duRing tha RecoveRy of Me waking up in tha haLL bLacked out outta No wheRe?!...LuckiLy i got diff tea & caffeine or i was Like RetaRted duh!
MoRe detaiLs in that Link beLow cLick 2 see~
But wutev...
Debra Lynn McLain aka p.p. pee puddLe aka LunaticaLLy LunaticaL Lunatic Lynn Many naMes etc.
is going to heLp Me deLiveR b cus I don't got access to My unLiMMited pRincess funds & MoRe...
peRsiaN pRayeR i Made up ~
SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7
Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they supposed to duh...
bLa bLa bLa
Like high bye
My webpage ~
LOOK~THiS MASK foR chURch & wutev eLse & BOTTLE & MORE...
chRi$topheR jaMe$ gRay/gRey aka kRi$2fuR kLown MANy naMes etc.~
RacheLLe Yvonne kavand Many naMes etc.~
ME & Nikki $heRí jack$on MANy naMes etc.
& René $heRí batt Many naMes etc.
ADDing MoRe pics LateR...
this next bag i got 4 DEBRA LyNN MCLain Many Names etc. it Looks Like My cat spRinkLes cupcake spRakLes tha 3Rd...i dont aLwaze ReMeMbeR heR biRthdaze?! i adopt heR i got wut tha fake aniMal doctoRs gave Me a guestiMate biRth ceRtificate they cLaiM they don*t know heR whoLe taiL eitheR Like thats anotheR stoRy RegauRding heR paws...
suMMa tha gifts in tha bags beLOw~
Next is Me~i know i do Looks cLowny coLoRfuL Long wigs shoRt wigs MediuM wigs suMtyMes zeRo wigs pony taiLs & wutev eLse...Like high bye...
cLick Link beLow 2 see~