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$ouL: bRuised BRAinLe$$?! $uM how Land on & face & knee & aRM & My head?!...& obviou$Ly NOT DEAD!~

Updated: Aug 21, 2022

$ouL $taze fuctioning but My ReMains stiLL heaLing duh!~

My head Land on coRneR of waLL in My stepping stone haLL...& My knee hit tha fLooR & i bLacked out...

this RandoMLy happened ...

This kinda faLL is Like paRanoRMaL activity...

it*$ Like i was thRown!?...

EitheRwaze MagicaLLy i got to tha kitchen & iced My injuRies...

it's Like jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace

& The ganji faiRies & LucifeR & ibiLis cReatuRe & whoever eLse heLp Me get theRe Like nothing wit no feeLing...

Then i went into the RestRooM aRea & wash My injuRies & put patRoLeuM jeLLy on theM ...

ORiginaLLy My foRehead was bLeeding wit bLood on the waLLs & coRneR wheRe i got cut ...

Now it's jus a a LiL Red dot & buMp

That Looks Like theRes a baLL in theRe...

& My knee aLso sweLL down to just a bRuise

But wutev

HopefuLLy no MoRe injuRies

Like I already deal wit a physicaL disabiLity of sciatica...

Diet & exceRcise & Diff tea heRbs & caffeine & oMega 3 vitaMins a~z heLp Me staze functioning & keep going Like that eneRgizeR bunny & wutev eLse like fRee styLe pRaying & MoRe...


PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs COME TRUE if they supposed to duh

bLa bLa bLa

Like high bye


My webpage~


Aside from otheR Music i ListeN to & Movies i Watch...& MoRe...

CLick on this heaLing Link~


On diff ReaLities~

WhiLe out & about i find Money in that stReets suMtyMes & usuaLLy dRop it off wit Law enforcement or business Representatives & suMtyMes RandoMLy people give Me Money & MoRe...


jctpop~jes$u$ chRi$t tha pRince of peace teLL Me that joke again bout gods peRfect tyMing LoL tho haha as tha ganji faiRie$ staze Laughing they peRManentLy seeM to Laugh & sMiLe bout eveRything eveRytyMe i $ee theM & they sMOke tha best tea heRbs & pLants & MoRe & LucifeR cLaiMs king god continues to show hiM situations he cant do anything bout in this ReaLM @ Least NOT @ this tyMe Like he got fRont Row seats 2 NaiL NightMare & he say king god Like sto bRag he higheR kinda poweRful Like wutta bLoody Low he descRibes hiM as he know higheR gods(kings) & godesses(queens) & high pRince Like jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace & cReatuRes Like ibiLis & tha ganji faiRies & whoev & wutev Not Mentioned...duh!...Like Round 80s & 90s cLowns in a diff ReaLM taught Me how to juggLe they appeaR that visibLy they juggLing baLLs & fRuit Like thats another stoRy...& i autoMaticaLLy do it too!


beLow R suM pics of My injuRies afteR i ice theM they sweLL down...oRiginaLLy My foRehead was sticking out Like a goLf oR base baLL Round that size & My knee was waze LaRgeR than tha otheR & defoRMed...i LiteRaLLy iced eveRything back in pLace off & on for daze...when it happend these injuRies i went into a shock & suM how again MagicaLLy didnt feeL anything ReaLLy & i was abLe to tend 2 MyseLf & i aLMost caLLed oR even staRted waLking 2 EMERgency RooM kinda MentaLity its Like My souL was going 2 puppet My ReMains?! oR jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince a peace OR ibiLis thcReatuRe his abiLities incLude hypnotic & MeMory deLetion he RaL MagicaL he speciaLize in a anothEr kinda functioning Like Maybe he puppet Me aRound a s king god don*t he instead pLays cRown testeRs & gives Me & othERs the option to do tha Right OR wRong thing based on wut they got access to...LoL Maybe they ganji faiRies fLy Me haha...Like it*s possibLe duh! xRay i think Maybe but i didnt go 2 hospitaL b cus i ReMeMbeR it*s fiLLed wit FAKE MEDicaL RepResentatives that do iLLegaL things to Me aLMost eveRytyMe i go?! so...i don*t know...

Tha bRuises R getting bRighteR!? & DaRkeR & MoRe coLoRfuL...but oveRaLL seems Like they heaLing inside & out ...& I discoveRed MoRe bRuises on My eye aRea & MoRe & aRMs & wheRev eLse that didn't show b4 ...but we wutev i ice it aLL & do stRetch theRapy in b tween swimming & belly dancing& waLking & free style pRayers videos & wutev else diet & exceRcise & pRayer like oMega 3 vitamins a~z like f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.

oMega 3 vitaMins a~z & tea tyMe & caffeine coffee like keep on going Like tha enERgizeR bunny

& stRetch theRapy ...suM peopLe wit injuRies & physicaL disabiLities neveR ReaLLy get


b cus they don't do diet & exceRcise & what 3 vitaMins a~z & pRay & fRee styLe pRayeR & MoRe Like f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc.

peRsiaN pRayeR i Made up ~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they supposed to duh bLa bLa bLa Like high bye

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