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bibLicaL doctoR geniou$e R $uppo$e 2 b in these po$$ition$ whiLe those that quaLify go in tRaiNinG~

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

MEMORy MAZE~MAZing...that tyMe siMpLy siMpLified Like this RetaRdation ReaLLy happen again siMiLaR 2 suM otheR daze stupid thing$ b happening 4 NO REASON!?

Like Between 2008 & 2011 i think?!…Round that tyMe…

My abductoR pLague Me wit sciatica & fLu & otheR pLagueing titLes

B cus I wouldn’t let him Rape our daughter he rape me wit

So he finally gave in to call 911 as I got weak like Ima die

& the ambulance took me to the parking lot area of my stepping stone & they ask Me if I got proof of my identity

When they suppose to confirm & veRify it!?

Luckily I got forms of my i.d. On me but they suppose to use lie Ditector test & real authorities & real doctors like biblical doctor geniouses

Anywaze after they seen my forms of identity

They took me to a hospital CALLED~ Hoag Hospital EMERGENCy RooM MANy naMes etc. in Newport Beach, california...bibLicaLLy speaking in: "THE LAND OF DREAM$!'

that is filled wit more retards stealing those possitions like a variety a tyMes they lace my medicine with psych meds & wutev illegal things aside from natural remedies suMtyMes in it in the ingredients

& they say that’s why they call it drug stores where they send perscription it’s illegal it’s retardation stupid sickos they belong disintegrated immediately for thier xisting intensional crimes

Luck this tyme they jus gave me antibiotic to help fight pLagueing & they gave me natural remedies I didn’t got access to like sand which & juice & water

The i.v. They put on me they say is to restore all my fluids that got forced outta me like 5 lbs to 10 lbs of it left me in my bed a puddle of sweat I was laying in at my stepping stone

& I drank liquids as they left my body fast from plagues

Then at hospital

After I.v. Fluids & sandwhich & juice water antibiotic

I gain my strength back outta that wheel chair & o can easily walk again

But no body disintegrate my abductor as they left my daughter wit him to get raped & drugged again

They ignore any reminders I tell bout him like he already electronically known to be guilty belong disintegrated for his existing intensional cRiMes…duh!

Like It’s illegal 4 the medical representatives to charge anything they suppose to givve resources & pay themselves unlimited electronically duh!!!!

ReaL Laws can’t be changed biblical educational reminds them along wit accurate scripture & original & other books a knowledge & spiritually…

cLick Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see fRee styLe pRayER it kinda goes wit this tRe stORy eaRLieR duh~








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