above is obviou$Ly Me whiLe out & bout i seen this giaNt peace sign syMboL so i took a pictuRe wit it of MyseLf & it & of that iMage beLow bye it$eLf...Like wutev...& whose otheR hand is that i don*t know but ReMind$ of king god that pLay$ cRown te$teRs b cus a the size & it Looks MoRe Like wut suM caLL his onLy bioLogicaL biRth son that jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace like his hands R that peacefuL NOT eveR SinfuL & i*M aLso a sinLess souL Like thats anothER stoRy huh duh oR Like a detaiL Not entiReLy Mentioned @ this tyMe & LateR again i wiLL bRing it up pRobLy...anywaze...
next is a n iMage of jctpop~jeseus chRist the pRince of peace Many NaMes etc.
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