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$PARKLE$ $POT LiGHT$~ PRince$$e$+pRince$=faiRweLL pea$ant$ DUH! PRiNCE$$ PEA$ant$+PRince pea$ant$=?

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Sep 2, 2023

$PARKLE$ $POT LiGHT$~ PRince$$e$+pRince$=faiRweLL pea$ant$ DUH! PRiNCE$$ PEA$ant$+PRince pea$ant$=?...

LoL MeMoRy Maze based on tRue stoRy ReaL Life ReaLity~

that tyMe i spiRituaLLy got assign to pLay pRincess haiR bRush coMbs MiRRoR cLipse to help prevent physical contact in ReaLity ReaL Life

Wit a peasant who pLay pRince of tyMe chaRactER

like has he heaRd a it that bibLicaL educationaL stoRy that has happen to Many

iM not her & he not heM duh

But he a schitzophrenic that plays diff characters all the tyMe ?! he in diff cuLts!!!!!! a vaRiety aLL kinds he pLagues & wutev eLse!

As he goes around raping all ages all genders & stealing & illegally land scaping & wutev else NOT MENTiONED...

He use hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology on me to physically get to me...

As I’m part Persian so it’s harder for him & sum breeds to do so

They in cults...

him & his senders

They provide hypnosis memory deletion twist wit psychology on Me

To where I remember almost nothing!?

He try to convince me he an innocent victim passing thru

As later I got flash backs of hem...

Anywaze aside from intensional crimes he belong disintegrated for

1 daze outta no wheRe...

He gave me a gift caRd!?

Like wut is he doing outta no where AGAin?!

i 4got he even xist duh!

now that i ReMeMbeR heM wuts he doing aLive!?

anywaze back 2 the gift caRd...

He say it’s a present give To hem that he giving it 2 me?!

a new chaRactER of his how bout that...

2 accept oR decLine this caRd...R psychoLOgicaLLy My onLy options as once again iM undeR suM LeveL of hypnosi MeMoRy deLetion twist wit psychoLOgy 2 go aLong wit heM...

Like this tyMe

Is he trying to give me a percent of my own resources...

As when I remember heM...he stole me & my daughter things b4 & other things he got sent to do to us illegally bye peasants that r sicker than hem duh!!!!!

As I forget?!

Who is he?!

He vanish awaze

There I go wit no memory of this retard?!

As start to remember that tyMe...

he RetuRn &


King god appear more visibly along wit Lucifer ‘& demons & ganji fairies & Jctpop ~ Jesus Christ the prince of peace & more they all surround this trespasser...

I know he seen too suMMa thes chaRactERs at least for a fact he see king god

I hear thier convo I was there

He tell hem to stop this sinfuL intensions & to go on & do more in his memory wit out sinning intensionaLLy

I call hem 5 steps to recovery b cus in the 12 steps

After stepping 4 the 5th step reminds to sin or not to sin & he does it again every tyMe

He does 4 steps to do more in his memory

Then the 5th he goes2 sin Like again

Anywaze this tyMe he sat there in king god spaRkLes spot light on hiM that bRight!!!!!

While me & the characters & other humans than myself he brought along

We all got force to stand there hypnotized to watch this idiot do sumthing worth seeing

He question me out Loud he ask bout demons if i know any

duh i do i RepLy

like he awaRe they there & they part a my krew oR suMthing as they under hypnotical too

so all we get to do is see wut he bout to do

Not b cus we want to

like wut is he gonna do...

The spot light from king god of crown testers shine brighter

Offering da vid the loose prisoner to sin or not to sin...

He request art supply fRoM i brought heM suM...

& the gods(kings) & godeses(queens) shine higher they more high duh

He seem scared to death of his own identity based on all he done like a spiritual awakening

I try to heLp heM end his life b4 he gotta awaze that was another tyMe

So he start drawing wut he call


da vid

As he on crystal meth & wutev else

spinning outta his mind yet he usually intensionaLLy sin of all kinds

So I went to spend the gift caRd

& I caMe acRoss a fRame same size as the duck dRawing

I hypnotically got lured to it

Then I notice there’s a switch on it I press it

I found out it does light up

It remind me of king god spot light on that sicko

Then the duck exist

I bought it wit the gift card

Put duck drawing in it

Turn the light on

& there it is!

see in that Light up fRaMe thing beLow!

is jus a pictuRe of it tha actuaL oRiginaL he dRew that tyMe

which yeaRs LateR got stoLen LuckiLy i made copies of it eLectRonicaLLy & suM pRinted Like i aLwas been a buisness giRL tiL age 21 a buisness woMan duh thats the age of a LiL giRl fuLL gRown which is a woMan...

Whether da vid dead or alive this is a reminder to help save the animals like recycling water falls need to be installed in ocean sea & ponds & lakes & pools & more

As wuts krazy he is an illegal land scaper & many loose prisoners b4 him tear down Legal land SCAping to try to take over duh

Like the Rainbow faLLs was eveRywhERE once upon a souL...tiL iLLegaL Land scapeRs caMe aLOng & destRoy the Land of DReaMs jus Like da vid & whoev eLse...

so This Light up duck fRaMe MeMORy spaRkLes spot Light gift caRD spun ducki dRawing MoMent tyMe

it remind me of that story:

the princess combs brush mirror wutev & prince of tyMe~

Only this b is a waze better ReaLity memory story & woulda been better if da vid got disintegrated duh

Like in that stoRy tho the prince gotta golden watch...

Like this kind...beLow...

& the princess got mermaid styLe hair! Like this wig thing next see~

So they wanna get eachother gifts but no money really...

So the princess go baLd she sells her hair as a human hair wig for those who got ugly or no hair or wutev

As she know it will sum daze grow back if she live to see the daze...

& she got gold coins now for ridding her hair

So she spends it on a goldish chain to go wit the prince golden watch thing so he don’t lose it or wutev

But he trade his watch thing for gold coins already

Then he buys for her gold brush gold mirror gold comb & gold & diamonds hair clips...

They go to meet up to x change gifts...

He see her bald as he got the presents...

She say as she Laughing that it will grow back! duh!

But she teLL heM here at least u can use this gold chain for that gold watch u aLwaze carry round...

He say he sold it that watch to get the hair accessories set…

She Laugh

B cus heR hair is gonna grow back eventuaLly as she accepts the gifts pLus wigs xist LoL tho Like hER oLd haiR...haha...

& she hands him the chain Laughing & saying now where u gonna get another watch & how

Like wut tyMe is it?!

She wink

& she say don’t trade the chain for another watch oR anything duh!!!!!!!

They go thier seperate waze...

he wears the chain as a necklace

Hoping to get another watch oR the same one...

But they both agree not to trade or sell like that again

b cus they now got less of that...

even tho they got more of wutev else…

He seem more like in shock...

As she laugh & belly dance awaze like a Gypsy princess

& wit out aLL heR RE$OURCE$ $TiLL...


They not really together

Or anyhthing...

They jus happen to be princess & prince wit out all thier resources

natuRaLLy & genuineLy that they do want to pay eachother a percent of thier own resources Duh!

jus Like they do any1 duh! when they got acce$$!!!!!

So as a reaL Princess myself i laugh

b cus i pay peasant a percent of his resources wit the peRcent he paid Me that gift caRD i like I invest in his duck design wit a Light up fRaMe thing & MoRe...

I thought he wanna take this memory wit him...

But he claim he got no where to put it at that tyMe?!

As I imagine it will go in his museum sum daze pRobLy when he dead or b4 then

Don’t know...

I already took on the design & designed soles & f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc. in geneRaL duh!

As he that da vid Many naMes etc. he is really sick MentaLLy & physicaLLy & intensionaLLy...

& after he did 4 steps of the 12 biblical steps to recovery to put the duck out there like that

He ran off to go on & sin the 5th step most likely he rape sum1 & more intensional crimes he belong disintegrated for...

While me like the princess in the story

as he da vid Many naMes etc. thats the identity he cLaiMs 2 b

eitheRwaze as he disappeared onto his own path like the pRince in the stoRy

onLy da vid as a peasant

that occcasionaLLy tuRns into a peasant pRince which is a peasant who entiReLy unjoins the peasant ciRcLe as he go in & outta it duh!

Like again bout eveRy 5 bibLicaLLy RequiRed he steps towaRds the 12 bibLicaL steps 2 RecoveRy

as i seen this oveR & ovER not eveRy1 at step 4 gets 2 do mORe so sickos Like heM act like its a guaRantee?!

theRes actuaL victiMs out theRE suMwhERe otheR than MyseLf & the ducks 7 wutev & whoev eLse...

anywaze Like pRincess in the stoRy Me aLso as a pRincess did free style prayer which I include belly dancing & more

As I’m relieved he gone hoping he die already duh!

NEXT is that SPuN DUCKi dRawing bye heM that peasant da vid an actuaL peasant pRince in those MoMeNts then back 2 peasant path he desiRe Like tha 1st step 2 RecoveRy...

as i Mention aLReady i Place tha spun ducki dRawing bye da vid in2 a Light up fRaMe 2 spaRkLes the spot Light of that tyMe LoL siMiLaR the watch & chain haha onLy sMaRteR...duh!

this iMage is of a duck duh as the duck he dRaw is Made up but wutev...his is ReaListic yet caRtoony heRes a ReaL DUCK of suM kind i dont know the bReed?!...kinda Looks Like 1 a da vid haiR styLes he does diff Looks suM1 say this woMan say when he do it that his haiR styLe he Look Like a penguin but i think aLso Like this duck...see~

& CLick link next to see 12 biblical steps to recovery article bye me~


More details bout da vid in the links below cLick individuaLLy 2 see~


heRe*s anotheR duck kinda Looks Like Me Laugh out Loud b cus i do My Make up & dRess up coLoRfuL suMtyMes Like i aLso gotta coLoRfuL souL...

& next i do a jeweLERy box baLLeRina cReatuRe cLown 80s style baRbie doLL puppet Like chaRactER to suMMa My jeweLeRy box tunes i wind up & go do a fRee styLe pRayER a Mime of MyseLf me MiMing a Remix of cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~



This Link beLow may not be that advanced techoLogy but it’s obviously stiLL that high like these puppets r really jus doing wut they pRobLy suppose to imagine they human identities or suM characters still in the making duh click link to see~


ReaLity updates cLink Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see~

CLick links below individually to see more me to diff tunes inspired bye baRbie ~


beLow is a nothER baRbie fRee styLe pRayeR i did LateR Like 2020 oR 2021 oR 2022?! a MiMe Me MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of 2 that song bye auqua that say LyRicaLLy iMa baRbie giRL...Life as pLastic its fantastic...


I gOt to see that 2023 baRbie Movie for $5 @$taR Light cineMa$ in co$ta Me$a, ca. aRea biblIcaLLy $peaking in the LAND OF DREAM$!

Todaze!!! JuLy 30th sundaze afteR chuRch!

But no drink pRobLy no snacks...I don't think I got enough funds for all that

& the woman that plays baRbie didn't like the real Barbie she jus dresses a lil like her & kinda talks like her

Like I know the real baRbie

When I was lil she come to life in dolls & when I was on the streets she visit me in spirit as boom box baRbie that baRbie I got b4 she do baRbie quotes & she remind me hang on to ur dreams you can be anything til this daze she is there duh her & other characters spiritually & in reality & wutev

Click link below it’s Me talking bout that baRbie 2023 fiLM & that after I talk I do a free style prayer to that Marilyn Manson tune dope show a remix a mix do me miming a mime myself click to see~


cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see these 80s baRbie inspiRed fRee styLe pRayeR videos of Me MyseLf MiMIng a MiMe a reMix a Mix of to twisted insane MusicaL titTLed DREAMiN ~


& cLick this next Link Me again MyseLf doing saMe thing as Last video this tyMe 2 katy peRRy song that LyRicaLLy sing bout bout Magic i jus ReMeMbeR its titLed DARK HORSE CLick 2 see~


Get your sparkle on a free style prayer of me again to sun baRbie tunes~


My M3gan review & free style prayer to a tune titled thrift shop I think~


DoLLs kill free style prayer~


side fRoM that:

ReaLity updates bout My abducted kidnapped huMan tRafficked daughteR off & on heR whoLe Life paRt of heR identity…otheR than Mine which we both aLReady been eLectRonicaLLy docuMented & there’s Lie Ditector test & ReaL authoRities to confirm &‘ verify the situation to be true & is to be situated bye those in possition that qualify & are allowed to situate these real life realities like that is the job description part of it along with resources like medically & properties & more individually is suppose to happen for every individual eventually like already…


My daughter is abducted kidnapped she needs to get rescued immediately Duh

Like to whoM this May conceRN...My daughteR & i onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal! & 1 a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV d.o.b. 05/24/1981 birth place BRAWLEY, CA. He belong disintegrated immediately 4 his existing intensionaL crimes he do intensionally there's lie ditector test & real authorities & MoRe duh

Situations that need to BE situated bye those in a possition to do so & that qualify & are allowed...These messages are NOT FOR THOSE WHO STOLE Possitions as criminals PEASANTS...they obviously for those who are allowed to assist others & situate situations wit lie ditector test as actual authorities of all kinds whether they presidential or biblicalrepresentatives or both...Those who qualify will do wuts needed like they automatically got access...duh! Peasant criminals mind your own buisness...victims only are to help with whatever it is they make everything what it's supposed to be...bLa bLa bLa...

& who u r intensionally 24/7 is wut u really are…


A government just means more than 1 victim works together with other victims that qualify & are allowed to help better assist individuals with thier resources individually like whatever they qualify for confirmed & verified with lie Ditector test & real authorities & weapons & whatever required to be in those positions…

When it’s the job description of sum1 who’s allowed like a biblical doctor genious is summa the highest medical & authority they help with metal skeletons & cLognes & real medine only & natural remedies & dreams & deportation & disintegration & prison & property & buisness & LEGAL LAND SCAPing & nessasary surgeries & pRoceeduRes & Lie Ditector test & advanced weapons & More

They do everything they are who suppose to be in these possitions being stolen bye those who aren’t allowed don’t qualify like actual peasants victimizers sinners criminals

They help rid illegal land scapers & they help end mental health &

other loose prisoners & prisoners with lie Ditector test & weapons & whatever else Required…



Medical representatives like biblical doctor geniouses are suppose to do everything free as they do pay themselves electronically unlimmitted & they help give resources individually Duh!

Like wheRe*s eveRy1s ResouRces?!

in that above image is a poRtRait that was oRiginaLLy bLack & white an actuaL pictuRe of jctpop~jesus chRist tha PRince of peace that Remix & Mix a Make oveR wit paints & gLitteR & MoRE!...i put bLOOd tears he pRoBLy shed & coLoRfuL paint cRie$...& the coat a Many coLoRs styLe a fashion that bibLicaLLy in$piRed...& eveRy shade of diaMond$ in his goLdi$h cRown Like fashion aRt etc. ...he appear 2 Me MoRe visibLy suMtyMes & he does diff Looks this is RealLy 1 a theM!!!!!!!! he teLL Me if i staze an intensional victiM i wiLL get 2 attend an aRt event thing wheRe he wiLL b diff sizes & @ that tyMe he show Me he go thta LaRge Like he kneeL down Like a giant & he taLk his eyes fLowing of bLood Like teaRs & Rainbow cOLORfuL paint Like cRies onLy they Like RecycLe Like a puRified wateR faLL...he say in wiLL get 2 dip My Paint bRush in2 his eyes of these coLoRs of MagicaLLy MagicaL Magic...& he dissappeaR...he disgusted bye this ReaLM he ReMind Me of wut ReaLity is suppose 2 be & of his abiLities he got pRevented fRoM suMtyMes using..he Like those otheR chaRactERs that visit me suMtyMes aLso the ganji faiRies & otheR cReatuRes & LucifeR & pan fLute pLaying fawns & MeRMaids & DEMONS & juggLing & kiLLeR cLowns & whoev & wutev eLse not Mentioned...spirituaLLy i do fRee styLe pRayeR & bibLicaL gatheRings but they attend that visibLy 2 Me! ganji faiRies show Me dance Moves suM Mite say they Look Like stRippeRs & they actuaLLy suMtyMes naked they sMoke thiER ganji tea pLant heRb pLant cLothes & they laugh & dance & Make fun a My ReaLity not being more as they encouRage ME high PRay & highER LoL tho haha Like they high DUH & THEy know bout Medicine & Like eveRy tea PLant heRb & otheR identities suM how in spiRit attend suMtyMes...eitheRwaze the cReatuRes say if they staze too LOng in this toxic PLace that they go cRazy Like theRes tRue stoRies HUMAN peasants caLL upon theM & use theM to do wutev...but thecReatuRes R innocent NOT THE HUMAN PEASANTS...WHEN i was LiL off & on since the 80s we hang out More often it seeM eveRywheRe i wandeR aLone & they Lead thec waze & suM foLLOow aLong...they staRt fading awaze in the Late 90s aLong wit My MeMoRy i went MentaL & possessed its Like in b tween 80s & now huMan peasants pLague cuLts of aLL kinds on Me & othERs suM in peRson suM in a distance suM both...anywaze then they the cReatuRes & chaRactERs they RetuRn in the eaRLy 2000s...but aLL kinds a things happen off & on since i was a baby...they witness it aLso...Like thats anotheR stORy i Mention in peRson & thRu out My webpage & youtube & facebook & in: f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc.-

next is Me doing adeMon cReatuRe ganji faiRy pose...

beLow is suM aRt work Bye Me as i incLude suM cReatuRes & chaRactErs in it see i caLL this~

$paRkLe$~RacheL MicheLe'...McLain KRistahyena baLLeRina ka vand Loka pRincessa fantasia Many NaMes f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.

& THE METAL PLAy GROUND~RacheL MicheLe'...McLain KRistahyena baLLeRina ka vand Loka pRincessa fantasia Many NaMes f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.

& CREATURE$~RacheL MicheLe'...McLain KRistahyena baLLeRina ka vand Loka pRincessa fantasia Many NaMes f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.

next is an iMage i dRew of MyseLf as a cReatuRe MeRMaid unicorn thing see~

cLick Link2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~



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