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genie bottLe$ & hoLy cup$ & PiMP GLA$$E$ & otheR thing$ Like a bibLicaLLy in$piRed tRuE $toRy:$ee!~

Updated: Dec 4, 2022

PoeM i wRote~ Biblically inspired: PoeticaL bibLicaL… Like hoLy h2o PuRified wateR that puRe Live uR Life wit puRity 2 betteR see! Wut tha LAND A DREAMS is supposed to be! jus Like Me Duh!






cLick that Links above individuaLLy 2 see it goes wit this po$t & MoRe~




i got a genie bottLe siMiLaR to jctpop ~jesus Christ The pRince of peace biRth diaMond sum call a stone...

& At this pLace & Locations of MagicaL MeRchandise

A Representative Ronnie Recommend based on my Request in wut I suMtyMes got on my List to shop for like at My stepping there's no ROOM FOR CERTAin things...

i Re*aRRange My hoLy sheLf 2 fit tha new genie bottLe LaMp & i gave that LiL cLeaR genie bottLe to My niece nikki nickelodeon nikkoLas tha baby unicoRn Mikki Many naMes etc. she Loves it...& she cLaiMs she got into Making Moon water like how inteResting veRy tRibaL& pagan & MoRe & i gave heR paRt of a puRity pak & wutev eLse Like thats anotheR MeMoRy Maze kinda stoRy...

anywaze i was abLe 2 find space for suMMa wut i got @ The Legacy Center Furniture / Consignment

Address: 2215 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa, CA 92627


Good thing he Recognize me!...he got My attention as i went wigLe$$!!!! @ tha tyMe he Let Me know wut he found siMiLaR 2 My Request of wut they $oLd aLReady... Like i usuaLLy i weaR diff wigs suMtyMes...

but oveR aLL iMa RecognizeabLe chaRacter in aLMOst anything Like i ReaLLy done so many diff Looks suM guess it*s Me witta Mask on...

anywaze at Least he gotta hoLd a Me in tyMe Like tha white Rabbit on aLice in wondeRLand i got that in My cLock that LaMp suM use for soMany diff things as i Mention eveRy now & then & again Like peRfuMe & puRified water & wine & tea & gLitteR & genies & Land scaping saMpLes & potions & MoRe! Like eitherwaze i dRink tea thRu out tha daze & nite aLL kinds highs Lows i even sMoke it & season suMMa My food wit it duh! & i got that MagicaL genie bottLe LaMp b4 sum1 else got it & it Matches in coLoR to My hoLy cup!!!!! yay!!!!! because they seem to sell & rearrange sum items I seen them advertise so I don't aLwaze know if they sold it already or if it's on a diff sheLf oR !?


I know I do stReet Runwaze while out & bout & suMtyMes I pass bye theRe window shopping

I'm pRobLy in thieR seRvaiLance footage that often duh!

Along wit where ev eLse...

& Genie bottLes for a vaRiety a things like LEGAL LAND SCAPing as glass oR goLd or both or wutev else

in diff sizes I or u can reside in or visit or for peRfuMe oR hoLy wateR oR wine oR gLitteR oR wutev...

aLso in bibLicaL education sum I dividuals purified water with Magical pimp cane sum call a staff or wand or wutev but qualified lord's do this wit purity & evil wizards do it a diff waze like an iLLusion

& There's also herbs plants & more that can also cleanse water & more

For REAL BAPTisms like drink tha water outta these hoLy cups sum call a pimp chaLise...

I got a fake baptism in a dirty water fall no water pure to drink but king god made appearance wit tha gods(kings) & goddesses(queens) & other characters like creatures & unicorns made appearances also to remind me when my souL was made at A RAinbow falls that clean & pretty & they remind me a wut reality supposed to be ...& More

& @least at the water fall area for my fake baptism a rainbow did happen...but no spaRkLes or glitter like when my souL was made or anything magical other than that memory & the Rainbow & my butterfly skirt but wutev

& My cat eLectRik gismo tha 3rd say guess wut human his soul & creation is better than mine b cus it's holier & that if I'ma princess he still a higher prince that animals don't got the option to sin & he claims he was made in the image of a tiger that they drank at rainbow falls together & he jus a miniature one than can easily disintegrate peasants criminals victiMizeRs & do more but the fake doctor humans got a hold a him & others they use hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology to make him RetaRted

& the same thing happen to me like b4 my sciatical disability I was more outdoors climbing cart wheel diving I can still hooLa hoop & jump rope & fashion aRt etc.

Like that's anotheR stoRy...

So Look @this hoLy cup i got on saLe @that vintage stoRe down tha stReet it was dispLayed in tha window wit a Matching genie bottLe $aMe shade a bLue ish pRetty & it's jctpop Jesus chRist tha pRince of peace biRth diaMond sum call it a stone but wutev it's jus like a diamond in a diff coLoR ...anywaze suM1 bought tha matching genie bottLe tha styLe of it is used for tea & wine & puRified wateR & MoRe I know u mite not believe it but there's such thing as real genies & mermaids too & wutev else mythical cReatuRes...

I wish I got the genie bottLe too...

They got another genie bottLe it's clear color it's like $50 can suM1 get it for me

otherwise I can save up but they mite not got it later & they got a giant pin cushion $50 & all kinds a things...I window shop there all the time b cus it's on my waze here & there...

but whenev I got tha amount a money saved to get anything it's like sum1 bought it or they say they move things around that if I seen in the window & it disappeared it mite still be there

so I ask again bout that blueish genie bottLe clear glass like that holy cup & they look around & say they don't see it anywhere so sum1 pRobLy bought it as they say they electronically document it too so I don't know but the clear genie bottLe is there still maybe ...

& that bibLicaL iMage my biological biRth mommy p.p. pee puddLe LunaticaLLy LunaticaL Lynn many names etc she send me in this post

of: jctpop~Jesus Christ The prince of peace

&of him supposively say if u look for me with All ur heart u will find me...

It's pRobLy a scarcastic joke b cus he multiplied in spirit to know everyone after his murder that NaiL nightMaRe he tell me he calls that memory duh again I already tell u & others he talks to me that personally ...sum1 that's allowed like a biblical doctor genious needs to bring him back he talks to me at that church too he appears more visibly suMtyMes he does diff services behind the fake biblical retards that steal & he show me wut it supposed to be & will b & already is in diff realms & places & locations ...& Lucifer tha fallen play violin & jctpop Jesus Christ The prince of peace brought a guest that fish he multiplied talked on that tyMe how everyone ate him that many tymes when he mite a got thrown back in the dirty ocean & that if peasant criminals victiMizeRs didn't get a hold of jctpop Jesus Christ The prince of peace human side & they stop multiplying he does got godly abilities even as a high pRince to cleanse the water & more & duh!!!!!! Like I never know wut the service gonna be jctpop Jesus Christ The prince of peace & other characters make appearances like creatures too & king God & jctpop Jesus Christ The prince of peace say there's gonna be an in dooR water fall & outdoor at that exact Location to remind everyone of when thieR soul was made & there's gonna be cloud looking memory foam seats instead the wood he claims that's all he got access to suMtyMes when he knows a lot bout land scaping legally & more duh! He also didn't use his abilities to the fullest jus like me & sum others like the animals & whoev eLse b cus the peasants victiMizeRs criminals weaken us thru cults like sciatica & drugs & more duh! ...animals r summa tha most MagicaL they very high princes & princesses that r smarter than humans when they remember jus like humans are smart too when they least victim humans are I don't know bout the victiMizeRs criminals peasants they intensionally stupid huh?!


ALso jctpop Jesus Christ The prince of peace say when he was a baby when the 3 wise men bRought him diaMonds in every color & gold & crowns & gold those kinda riches that they know of his ability to make things multiply & more that they ReaLLy expect him to multiply wut they gave him & give them at least that multiplied ...but they question his identity even after NaiL nightMaRe & they ask why he not do all the things he was made to's b cus he only a high prince not a king (god) & his biological biRth daddy king God plays crown testers wit those who choose to play which r only criminals peasants victiMizeRs humans & suMtyMes those criminals peasants victiMizeRs help rid victims from this realm even if they return but when the heavens and earth combine the game of crown testers ends peRManentLy duh!!!!!

Peasants criminals victiMizeRs they don't seem to get it how can suM1 that is part god (king) kill himself as that's thieR crime of murdering him & he tell me he didn't die for anyone or thier sins he got put under hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology for he don't heal minds so the criminals peasants victiMizeRs got a hold a his that's how they got him on that cross they sacraficed him duh!

like Only those in cults say that intensionally & he remind me oRiginal scripture isn't worded that pooRiLy duh!!!!!!! Like those fake books of knowLege title holy Bible where it's re written truth twist wit lies where cult leaders use it as a guide to power & control ...








jus Like i Mention diff tyMes jctPOP~je$u$ chRi$t the PRince Of PEACE

HE $uMtyMe$ taLks to Me...

Again he say that he got forced to be baptized in dirty water when he got the ability to cleanse it as he is a qualified LORD & others do it too not just hiM he do it MoRe MagicaLLy Maybe suM use Magic staffs oR MagicaL piMp canes & MoRe...

Anywaze he puRify h2o b4...

As others r suppose to do it to...

Sum use chemicals others use plants & sum really do it spiRituaLLy...

& He tell me that baptisms r supposed to be at a Rainbow falls water fall like place & location

To ReMind u when uR souL was Made!

with purified water in the daze tyme wit the sum hitting to show a rainbow u suppposed to drink from it wit a chalice or pimp cup & or wine glass or wutev & swim it in it too duh!!!!!

MoRe detaiLs in that Link above bout wut I'm bibLicaLLy even taLking on...

it's RequiRed bibLicaL education...

& Fake bibLicaL RepResentatives wit thier fake titles priest pastor & wuteveR r doing illegal things called rituals of cults they lie bout religion & that's wut they do turn it into a cult!!!!

& Wutev else it's obviously the Peasants criminals victiMizeRs sinneRs who do this iLLegaLLy

For sum that do it Intensionally it's a disintegRation sentence & wutev the Lie ditectoR test confirm & verify & ReaL AUTHORities & more!


& Jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace say that king God made fun of his fake baptism

& When I got fake baptized bye

a water faLL

in Salem, Oregon aRea

bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land a dReaMs

i woRe a butteRfLy pRint skiRt My supposive bioLogicaL biRth aunt Ruth got Me...


king God made fun of my fake baptism too...

He appeared in the sky & he remind me a cult leader

That MeRiL with a wizaRd naMe he jus did to me what many cuLt leaders do a fake baptisms

& that the same thing even happen to his son

That Jctpop~jesus Christ the pRince of peace


cLick Link beLow to see that it goes wit that iMage above~

Aside fRoM that gyM tyMe & MoRe...

CLick that Link above 2 see~

REALity update$~

i had 2 add My NEW $HELL PHONE 2 THAT $HELF!


My bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy Lynn Many naMes etc.

$he $ent Me a siMiLaR sgeLL phone like tha 1 found in tha 90s...

& My stepping stone is iLLegaLLy Land scaPeRs & too sMaLL as I wait & seek My ResouRces which incLudes My own pRopeRty & unLiMitted pRincess funds & MoRe Like tiL then...


it fits in My hoLy sheLf as I dedicate summa My waLLs to bibLicaL educationaL & MoRe...

& This sheLL phone is jus Like tha 1 in tha 90s!!!!!!!!!

& i jus caLLed tha MeRMaids & i taLk to tha MeRMaids...

they notice it's not identicaL but saMe styLe & like saMe size fRoM tha 90s!!!!!!!!! As I tell theM in detaiL & they Waze spiRituaL & bibLicaLLy educated & supeR MagicaL & extReMeLy Dopetastic when it coMes to f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc



MoRe detaiLs in that Link beLow cLick 2 see~

i Made taht cReatuRe MeRmaid outta sand @ a Beach Like wutev...

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