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the new boRn baby kid giRL biRthdaze Like happy hoLidaze 24/7...who u R inten$ionaLLy 24/7 i$ wut u R!...duh!~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

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My daughteR LiL 18 biRthdaze cake i decoRate this tyMe wit baby giRL decor plus singing caRouseL flower candle when u light it it’s instrumental & spins like a MaRRy go Round & I include rainbow 1 8 candles along wit MeRMaid & paLM tRee & rainbow spRinkLes On this kinda pastRy dough she Request tres Leches Mexican styLe waze it’s baked & pRepared she likes a variety but this tyMe she pick this Like wutev I jus decorate it wit wut I got access to fRm 99 cent onLy stoRes & tha dollaR tRee… & that cake is fRoM stater bRos. BakeRy & When she was zero like a new born during that abduction there’s no party no nothing so these decorations are like a combination of them til now eitherwaaze 21 is the age of a lil giRL full grown so she still jus a giRL duh & her actual biRthdaze is febRuaRy 09, 2006

beLow is angeLina RacheL Many NaMes etc. wit spRinkLes cupcake spRakLes tha 3Rd & heR biRthdaze cake~

above in that iMage i made these heart potatoes & potatoeish fries wit veLveeta cheese Melted & Serrano peppeRs it’s 1 her favorite things to eat Aside fRoM diff sand whiches & MoRe Like i didnt take a luc she ate it already that aLbacoRe high in omega vitamins a~z sandwhich in honey wheat bRead as i offer her 21 gRains dough she pRefer diff kinds like wutev & I tell heR tha caRe BeaRs came to town that’s how the heart potatoes got there Jus like at Xmas i tell her the elves got her there gifts & Wutev else & Her lil 18 biRthdaze is2daze so it’s heRbirth month but we ceLebRate the hoLidaze 24/7

& beLow i made wut she aLso ask 4 1 a HeR fav sandwhiches aLbacoRe tuna caRe beaR heaRT styLe...i Ran outta fund$ & access but she did Request teRRiyaki saLMOn bowL iMa Make it :ateR when i get tha MOney wit pine appLe & vita sMoothie she Likes the beRRies & ice cReaM kind pLus wutev eLse...i ReMInd her if she wanna Live Longer based on wut we got access to that she needs fitness & oMega vitaMOns a~z poRtioned eveRything & wutev eLse not Mentioned Like fRee styLe pRayER & higheR bibLicaL educationaL

& f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc. duh so she chooses heR coMbination accoRding 2 heR education & access 2 wutev she needs 2 eMbRace a speasants suMtyMes pRevent heR fRoM doing so she finds waze & so do i eitheRwaze hope she be who she suppose 2 be...

& heaRt cheRRy stRawbeRRy chocoLate fudge wit pecans & waLnuts & diff tea heRb pLants Like Matcha & chaMiLe

2 My daughteR~

Mya LiL 18 stiLL gRowing tha new boRn baby kid giRL At age 21 u wiLL be a woMan A LiL giRL fuLL GROWN EitheRwaze it’s uR biRthdaze U was boRn at 6:15 aM 7 pounds & 19 & a haLf inches @fountain valley Regional hospital in fountain valley, California is ur biRth place that is where u fRoM Biblically speaking in tha LAND OF DREAMS But UR SOUL is MADE @ RAinbow faLLs like everyone’s duh Anywaze aside fRoM that & other Messages i sent u in diff text Again don’t 4get uMbReLLa & wutev eLse… Mya Loka LiL cLown aMethyst diaMond angeLina baLLeRina RacheL LaMb wing Rigbi tRoLL undeRbRidge caRe beaR status twiddLe Locus new boRn baby kid giRL & that sing fRoM 2006 & 2007 & MoRe taLking baby walking baby dancing baby go MiRacLe Go gift ️️‍...

it*$ iLLegaL 2 Live scatteRed intensionaLLy it counts as an abduction as you caMe back fRoM fake friends dRugged up Raped & other illegal things happen 2 you like wut her biological birth daddy did to you already aLong wit otheR intensionaL cRiMinaLs off & on youR whoLe Life also

Anywaze hope she get a higheR caLendaR scheduLe & I sent this Message b4 see~

U need 2 stop stazing out aLL night RegauRdLess of uR age duh…

AngeLina RacheL caRe bear tRoLL UNDER BRidge Mya Loka LiL CLown Many NaMes etc. u R not at a buisness thing Like a bibLicaL gathering of suM kind & U need to sleep in ur own bed & do higher things wit ur tyMe & Eitherwaze u have to take ur vitamins eveRydaze & drink 1 aMaRtineLLis not from concentrate a daze plus a vitamin smoothie & 1 egg & wutev else duh To help strengthen ur mind & body plus fitness & other vitamins & foods Aside from wutev else U need higher biblical educational & more Like fashion art etc & wutev else not mentioned & hope u Make it 2 that chuRch on sundaze bRing sprinkles cupcake spRakLes the 3Rd if she will Get wit it & uR Mya Loka doLL if u want I brought ur doll b4 along wit other dolls

like TRy to get theRe every sundaze ChuRch@ 420 W 19th St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 That place I call the window of magical messages rainbow reminders Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace sunset stain glass location Biblically speaking in the land of dreams Like u aLReady know It’s bout 30~45 min walk from our teMpoRaRy stepping stone depends on how fast or slow u walking It starts at 10 am ends at 11am EveRy sundaze But I will b there round 9 sumthing like sumtyme b4 10am Let me know if u going U should b there every sundaze too duh & heLp Rescue these places & locations from the peasants stealing Like u can sing uR poetry like u use to & free style prayer playing ur guitar or sumthing & do plays theatrical & more !!!!!! & Bye bringing purity & wutev else u got access to doing duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

& … Do wut U should be doing EitheRwaze real medicine is it’s jus diff tea herb plants combine correctly that will help restore body tissues & more Along wit fitness & biblical educational & more So u need to do 1 egg a daze & veggie fruit vitamin smoothie thing & martinellis not from concentrate & wutev else Portion uR foods like u already know & get on a heaLthier calendar schedule to help make the land of dreams a better place like you use to be more about Hope u get back into modeling more & acting & theatre & fashion art etc.

& wutev else not mentioned Like glitter Litter & animal resorts!!!!!! & sports ballet ballerina dance theatrical & wutev else not mention that you & you use to do at school & on our own tyMe & & wutev eLse duh! b MoRe oRganized u need to showeR or take a bath every morning & every night like u usually do every tyMe u reside with me & more if needed Duh Like higher vitamins & sports & wutev else like ballet & theatRe & BRush ur teeth & MoRe!!!!!!!

& Mya u need a higher caLendaR scheduLe U need more fitness & vitamins & higher biblical educational & EitheRwaze AngeLina Mya Loka LiL cLown caRe beaR tRoLL undeRbRidge daze g jeRoMe Many NaMes etc. Zero perversion Zero drugs Duh Zero illegal things in real laws duh

& on febRuaRy 8th i aLso i made these heart potatoes & potatoeish fries outta Red & goLd yeLLOW & bRown potatoes like i use puRpLe potatoes b4 & this tyMe spRinkLed gaRLic salt & paRsLey as i fRy theM in avocado olive oiL & wit veLveeta cheese i Melted & Serrano peppeRs sLiced i add on top Like it’s 1 her favorite things to eat Aside fRoM diff sand whiches & MoRe Like she Loves occasional taco beLL & sushi & wutev eLse Like i didnt take a pic of part of heR dinner thing wit those fRies she ate it already that aLbacoRe high in omega vitamins a~z sandwhich in honey wheat bRead as i offer her 21 gRains dough she pRefer diff kinds like wutev & I tell heR tha caRe BeaRs came to town that’s how the heart potatoes got there Jus like at Xmas i tell her the elves got her there gifts & Wutev else & Her lil 18 biRthdaze is tomorrow febRuaRy 9 2006 so it’sheR birth month but we ceLebRate the hoLidaze 24/7

& she is tha individuaL that Request these things duh...


i Made this baithing suit thing see 4 this doLL 4 My daughters 18th biRthdaze I include a heart shirt i Made I gave heR a RacheL MicheLé Make oveR FRench fashion Tha naked Ribbon see To encourage my daughter to do MoRe variety a designs like fae fashion aRt etc. & wutev eLse duh Like My daughteR caLLs this doLL Look RacheLs haiR cLothes RacheL styLe RacheL baRbie duh

& i Made that heaRt $hiRt thing 4 that doLL & i Made 4 otheR doLLs & 4 Me & hER in ouR size & whoev eLse NOT MENTioned~


My daughteR got Me this jacket thing & i design & Made tha skirt years ago

it’s like they go 2getheR

SaMe styLe diff shades a pink

EitheRwaze its heR biRthdaze

Like happy hoLidaze 24/7


i*M weaRing poweR puff giRLs shiRt thing saMe chaRacters on her 1st biRthdaze cake…in 2006

& i put on the t.v. on going episodes of the show...


I painted a diaMond on My foRehead 2 RepResent when my souL was Made in apRiL 1985 kRystaL diaMond but I was boRn januaRy 15 1986 garnet diaMond @694 w. wiLson st in costa Mesa, caLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLly speaking in tha LAND OF DREAMS...

& my daughter soul was made round May 24 2005 eMeRaLd diamond

But she born febRuaRy 9 2006 Amethyst diamond @fountain vaLLey RegionaL hospitaL in fountain vaLLey, caLifoRnia...eitheRwaze in tha LAND OF DREAMS...

But this diamond represents it doesn’t matter which color

They all diamonds in diff colors duh

Sum call them birth stones

But rocks aren’t diamonds

Only my daughters amethyst diamonds are found in sum rocks


PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh BLa BLa BLa Like high bye

diff pic$ a Me & heR~

& heR bioLOgicaL biRth daddy he say he hates MiddLe easteRns b cus they haRdeR 4 hiM 2 abduct & Rape that it*s easiER 4 hiM 2 get a hoLd of LoweR bReeds on his own wit out tha heLp of other cRiMInaLs of that Many & yet he Rape Me saying he wants a peRsian baby boy that he gonna Rape his butt & Make hiM pLay genie wit hiM LuckiLy that didnt happen as otheR iLLegaL things did he Rape My daughtER & wutev eLse NOt Mention & he Rape My cat spaRKLes & he change hER naMe & he say they 2getheR now that its his cat now an aniMaL As it’s known her biological commit fraud in the past & he is a known pedaphile & a rapist of his sons & daughters & of humans & animals of all ages & genders he done illegal land scaping intensionaLLy he say to rip the grounds of what’s suppose to be there & turn into illegal everything & other crimes he do wit fake authorities or hypnosis uses on real & fake authorities He claims it’s fun in the fake prison that he rapes men’s butts & other perversion he do in there & everywhere with babies kids teens adults & he do it intensionaLLy & he say he gets paid on video suMtyMes to do gay & biosexual pornography of all ages & genders & these criminals abduct me & my daughter b4 sepeRateLy that long ago we obviously we gotta awaze Its illegal I made reports & more & I was gonna name my daughter RacheL diaMond or diamond Rachel or daze g jeRome like the list goes on but heR bioLogicaL biRth daddy Willie Holloway jr lV he say I'm not allowed?! He use hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology he say no RacheL in tha name at all no diamonds & he say Holloway has to be included...So I found a waze to put Rachel in her middle name area or wutev B cus I seen her soul b made when Willie rape me! My soul went to rainbow faLLs NOT his he didnt get invited he NOT HOLy enough Like onLy innocent victiMs suMtyMes get 2 go 2 these kinda things duh! & I thought the gods(kings) & godesses(queens) was showing me my memory of when my was made then as my soul return to my body a lil soul followed?! & it*s really Angelina!!!!! Many names etc. so I witness that & when she enter my body to get to her remains made of perversion thRu that rape bye Willie he did it intensionaLLy he Look LIke he seen heR souL fLoat on in & he seem suRE he Rape Me wit a baby Like he use 2 My souL Leaving My ReMains as i tRy 2 getta awaze & My body staze suMtyMes & he say he make a wish on peasants on his 24 biRthdaze in 2005 he was boRn May 24, 1981 & he say that's how he was able to make me pregnant that easy otherwise b cus I'm part Persian it's not that easy for him to rape me or Angelina that he use Persian Peasants like ciamak & more to provide the hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology then it suMtyMes happens for him otherwise he can't get to us physically duh Like BLa BLa BLa Anywaze RacheL means Lamb in Hebrew

next is angdeLina RacheL Many naMes etc. wit eLectRik gi$Mo tha 3Rd that Long ago...

But wutev RegauRdLess of who u R 24/7 intensionaLLy is wut u R... 



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