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The hoLy Moth & wingLe$$ $cRiptuRe like $ea $heLL ocean MeRMaid$ cReatuRe$~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

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MeMoRy Mazing~ The holy Moth & wingless scripture like sea shell ocean mermaids creatures... SpaRkLes prayers victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dreams come true if they suppose to...duh!...

DuRing summa my abductions in 2005 bye Willie Holloway Jr the lV born May 24, 1981 birth place brawley, California sumwhere aka doja aka many names etc & his supposive lil half brother ismile aka Ismael Castillo many names etc literally around me he staze laughing like a hyena smiling the whole time born June 21, 1984 or 1985 he claim he turn 21 in 2005 so then probly 1984 huh...he claims his birth place is in San Diego area in California I don't know if that's true there's lie ditectir test real authorities & more! Anywaze they abduct me drug me & sumtymes they wouldn't let me leave other times they pretend to let me go as I go walking like I kinda gotta awaze... So at a location they block the doors the exits windows etc. & I got force to jus exist Then I gotta hold a pen or pencil & sum paper normally I draw & write poetry & stories but this time was so unholy I wrote sum free style praze of sum scripture biblical education a remix kinda mix of it For my own sanity this knowledge I do know is to be known Then ismile came outta no where to spy on me to see wut i'm doing & he say: u think u wrote the bible... He obviously recognize biblically inspired wutev I respond: hands like mine write it duh He accuse me if being crazy & Willie seen too & he look emotional over his own crimes & sentence After he saw the truth in wut I'm writing & doing like indoors there was a light shining on me like a spot light... Then another time ismile I notice hem & Willie abduct my supposive lil half sister that Rachelle Yvonne Kavand born August 29, 1989 birth place mission Viejo, California sumwhere Biblically speaking in the land a dreams Ismile & Willie took turns raping & drugging her...she usually also eventually gotta awaze escape... So a diff daze ismile say to me: where*s ur sister!? I caught a Moth animal & I tell them that's her now! for reals go on hang out wit her! take her out! I even put sum tiki punch in that container cage thing & the moth was drinking it & everything & Ismael carried the moth around & daze later he ask how long do he need to hang out wit that moth like how much more time do he need to spend I tell hem he's retarted he obviously probly doesn't qualify to save the animals Like he really a peasant criminal that belongs disintegRated for his existing crimes he didn't help the moth wit his or her resources or anything so I tell hem I'm abducted not u Like I don't get to do more because idiots includo g hem are stealing & preventing wuts suppose to happen already making everything take longer I say jus let the moth go I will get my resources eventually & getta awaze escape sum how like til then duh!!!!!! My webpage~



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