iM Making taMaLes I use coconut oiL & Dasani water & unsaLted butter & REAL MAYONAise for TheRes omega 3 vitamins a~z in mayo from the eggs i Mix wit that Maza powdeR & stiR tiL it’s like a cookie dough textuRe…
& i Made 4 diff kinds~
1 habeRnaRo pepper jack cheese
& MushRooMs
1 cheRRy pReseRve fiLLing
1 fresh bLue berries
wit crumble cheese
1 avocado
& puRpLe onions
& Red tomatoes
& gReen Lime
& oRange caRRots
pLace dough in a coRn husk foR tha taMaLe wRap
then put wutev fiLLing in it on the maza dough & foLd it & tie it...
Like these beLow i Made!
but i 4got 2 take pictuRes of the whoLe process & the insides & eveRything Like i shouLda video it duh!
& then PLace in STEAM POT wit wateR at theb bottoM undeR that stRaineR wit the hoLes & Let cook tiL the Maza is done Like Less doughy & MoRe cakey...
& a sauce on the side
i bLend in bLendeR
Red toMatoe & a giant gReen jaLepeñio & oRange caRRot & gReen LiMe & gReen gRanny sMith appLe & a shot of appLe cider vinegaR & puRpLe onions
& souR cReaM on the side too
ALong wit ice cReaM & whip cReaM & Rainbow spRinkLes & honey & tea heRbs for the pastRy dough styLe kind