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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand


Look at these images rite now Like i was window shopping at this MaLL & i got LuRed in bye that bibLicaL show me tha waze staR also known as tha wishing staR Anywaze that place filled wit diff versions of it & As I kept following & seeing them...My MeMoRy went awaze & I got Lost I had like no memory at all I ask sum1 that represent the location a security guard I think & I tell him I came in bye 4eveR 21 Like the bRistol entRance of Costa Mesa, California Biblically speaking in the land of dreams I sum how exit bye near but I know that direction usually also Like these retarted illegal land scaped streets still r the same stupid paths suM parts So I end up Going tha sane route I got there When I coulda easily taken bear to baker Insteada Bristol duh Like I do know both waze & my mind & memory kept going awaze Like remember then I don't I remember then I don't EitheRwaze I got outta there & found a waze to go LoL tho haha

MeMoRy Mazing back in Like 1991~1992 NACiiM SHE ROUND My age...she attend My 6th biRthdaze in januaRy 1992 Round tha 15th & so did otheRs but i Mention heR Rite now b cus My bibLical pLastic goLd Ring Like siMiLaR 2 that staR on that cRoss eaRLieR & tha iMage above & it went Missing?!...@ that tyMe... then she was weaRing it?! NaciiM?!

she act the saMe waze as Me Like it*s a MagicaL Ring!

Like it*s possibLe she got tha saMe xact 1...

 but i teLL My bioLOgicaL biRth MoMMy bout it & we went 2 NaciiM stepping stone possibLe abduction Location & her supposive biological birth MoMMy say; NO My daughter say it*s heRs so it probLy is?! LateR a diff tyMe tha Ring was Left @ tha dooR of My stepping stone abduction Location...

 i*M assuMing it*s*s tha xact Ring i announce 2 be Missing & now NaciiM don*t got identicaL Ring anyMoRe?! did she eveR?! does she Now?! she pRobLy put it theRe...


Maybe jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace appeaRed 2 heR & teLL heR bout that Ring...

& then king god pRobLy give heR tha option 2 give it back...

as the otheR gods(kings) & godesses(queens) Let heR know its notta choice to sin & that 2 RetuRn it if it*s Not heRs wit saMe Ring...

as they tha gods(kings) & godesses(queens) aLReady know tha facts...

& kReatuRes Mite a visit heR too...i*M weLL known to hang out wit theM & ganji faiRies & LucifeR the faLLen angeL & otheR chaRacteRs...whetheR any1 eLse see theM Like i do i notice suM seeM 2 know they theRe... & that Ring is paRt of My sanity!!!! @ that tyMe!!!

as it$ a Rainbow ReMindeR MagicaL Messages Like that bibLicaL stoRy when tha 3 wise Men foLLow tha staR 2 find jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of peace & wutev else Not Mentioned duh!







& next cLick Links individiduaLly 2 see otheR $PARKLE$ $HOW$ $TAR$ $iMiLaR $toRie$ bye ME~


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Jeffrey Thompson
Jeffrey Thompson
Dec 25, 2023

Effervescent Soul - Thank You/ duh!

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