@this chuRch i voLunteer every sundaze as a biblical representative individual...
I pick up pRe oRdered pastry dough & I do diff chaRacters & I pass out purity paks that I put together
That is all I get to do
As the positions of who supposed to be more in charge at churches is supposed to be filled bye a biblical doctor genious
Like Jctpop~jesuschrist the prince of peace
& Since i mime
He tell me in spiRit Like spiRituaLLy as he occassionaLLy appeaR 2 Me MoRe visibLy he say to bring that portrait I gave a make over wit skeleton of him I put together & crosses & I dress up as a cat
& i took My $hopping caRt styLe stRoLLeR 2 go bout My caLendaR scheduLe
It symbolizes we need our resources
From a biblical doctor genious
Like they will bring back Jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of pRince & give me & animals & more our resources entirely duh
I sat front row wit this set up
& I sit there usually Anywaze
jctpop~jesus chRi$t the pRince of peaec he really wants me to get to do MoRe...
Like at least I brought a higher message even wit out words Like he Request & encouRage spiRituaLLy duRing fRee styLe pRayeR Like 2 pRay in eveRything u do jus Means 2 intensionaLLy bRing puRity & zeRo peRveRsion 24/7 duh & be who u suppose 2 be based on wut u got acce$$ 2...
He say those that still know hem will know wut this means...
Me dress as cat for the animals that aren’t there when they entitled to attend
My cat $pRinkLe$ cupcake SpRakLes tha 3Rd i got hER My daughtER angeLina RacheL Many naMes etc. biRthdaze but i take MORe caRe of heR Like i showeR hER & tha LittER box & she use 2 go aLong wit Me 2 tha paRk & MORE as she doesn’t aLwaze listen so she couldn’t go 2 chuRch & angeLina RachEL is Like heR giant kitten & angeLina hasnt been going eitheR foR she been dRugged abducted Raped...LuckiLy she got theRe b4 tho in between these outta no wheRE cRiMinaLs of aLL ages tRying 2 Run heR Life into being no body...
But a biblical doctor genious can help her wit her reources entitrely to go bout her own identity on her own...Like saMe wit angeLina eventuaLLy aLso...
Then see when we in eachotheRs calendars scheduLes duh
So i got these cRo$$e$ & cheetah LeopaRd pRint clowny neck collar ballerina ballet thing
& cat eaRs & Most tha Make up i got on at:
The 99 Cent Only Stores In Costa Mesa, Cali. 92627
& this baby phat dRess onLine
B cus i got it b4 at tj Max
& it got stoLen!!!!!
& stockings leopard cheetah print at
Wicked Chamber Boutique in costa Mesa, ca. 92627
& This wig i got @:
Party City, Costa Mesa,orange County
PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~
SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7
Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh
Like high bye
Jctpop~Jesus Christ the pRince of peace occasionally visits me MoRe visibly at diff places & locations
& he show me 1 of his books of knowledge
A Real holy bible!!!!!!!!
It got realistic iMages on 1 side of the page
& wRiting on the otheR scripture so accurate!!!!
& then he flip the pages like a flip book it is like watching a Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!
He say it’s true that’s a real holy bible & he got several books of knowledge aside from it & they all like that!!!!!!
& he remind me peasants Re write it & leave out the magical movie like pages intensionaLLy & they twist the truth wit lies...
& title it holy bible when it’s jus based on summa wut the holy bible say & sum isn’t
& it’s used as a cuLt guide for cult leaders cult members
Also known as a peasant guide for peasant members & peasant leaders
He show me diff styles he do like that tyMe he show me bLood flowing from 1 eye & a rainbow a paint from the other
He say if I staze innocent I get to go to that art biblical gathering thing
So I done a similar look on my face b4 & I gave a poRtRait of him a make over of wut he show me summa his real looks are !!!!
& those made after his murder are a different breed of human...
The ones before him
didn’t got him assigned to them
Spiritually 24/7
Example let’s say there’s 10 Loose prisoners against 1 victim after his sacRafice
So really it’s 10 peasants against 12 victims
B cus he Multiplied in spirit like a clogne/cLone
But b4 he got forced on that cRoss
When there’s 10 peasants against 1 victim it’s really like 10
Against 1
Obviously not including gods kings & godesses queens
Jus princes & princesses…
Whether I worded that coRRECTLy oR NOT
I DO know wut I’m talking bout & wit I’m trying to say simplified…
cLick Link 2 see a fRee styLe pRayER of Me MyseLf MiMing a MiMe to 3 diff tupak $hakuR tunes titLed WHO DO YOU BELiEVE iN? & Life goe$ oN & aLL out~
ReaLity updates~
PuRified h2o Like Recycling waterfaLLs are required to be instaLLed in the oceans & Lakes & Rivers & ponds & churches & buisnesses & properties & colleges & wheRev & wutev eLse NOT MENTiONED... Like WheRes eveRy1s resources & authorities Like biblical doctor geniouses & MoRe!!! & Tha Reason jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace Gives bread & wine to those 12 men suM known as LOOSE prisoners OtheRs titLe Disciples They no body They peasants That victimize others & eachother & themselves & b cus Jctpop Jesus Christ the prince of peace he don’t aLwaze got access 2 his abiLities ON His god(king) side as a high prince Or even on his human side as a prince Really like obviously not entirely & no body is suppose to reinact his memories or anyone elses intensionaLLy Unless it’s a pLay or movie or sumthing wit the intension of the right thing Like Not retardation of those stealing doing it in churches that part of his life wit a crumb of bread & possibly 100% juice not from concentrate or wine or both for all ages I donated 100% cranberry juice not from concentrate b4 & the fake biblical representative didn’t like the taste He’s mentally ill That’s all I got allowed to do He’s a cult leader cult member that continues to try to take over & not even providing higher vitamins & resources It’s illegal!!!!!!!! B cus Those possitions they the peasants are stealing When the job description is for those Allowed & qualify & required to give resources Wit Lie Ditector test & weapons & advanced technology as a biblical doctor genious Not try to live off his identity oR any1 eLses in any kinda waze duh Like I am a biblical representative individual NOT A Biblical doctor genious yet So if I did a biblical gathering as a biblical representative individual in a church regaurding that story whether I include a play or not I would pRobLy xpLain that story or show it in a play & have a company like mothers market or sum kinda level of tofu prepared to where u can’t tell it’s not an animal & best wine & bread given to audience while they watch the play to show they weren’t there & that was a war where they got forced to eat animals for no reason as high omega vitamins they need When they oveR populated thRu perversion the sinners peasants do it intensionaLLy As the illegal land scapers root the grounds of high plants tea herbs needs to live longer as they take down purified recycling water falls & they remove things that r supposed to be there & rplace then wit wuts not Or nothing at all when the daze of no meat started that long ago since Adam & eve but b cus of intensional sinners they repeat wars that ended they make them happen again & wutev else not mentioned I would bring holy robes for those not dress how they allowed or wigs & make up & costumes for those who need a make over or wutev else But I don’t got access to wuts required to help those places & locations & the land of dreams more b cus I’m not a biblical doctor genious biblical educational required But I am a volunteer & I do my biblical representative individual for free non profit sum donations & tips accepted kinda training usually thru puRity free style prayer & fashion art etc miming mime remix a mix of b cus TheRes no 1 i got a hold of to give me my resources entirely which includes that education my property my buisness & more of wut I’m entitled to individually Duh!!!!!!!
Along wit my daughter & whoev else that don’t yet got ALL thieR resources
Like tiL then…
& Like Did u know in sum bible stories & books a knowledge it states as a fact the peasants only get stupider NEVER SMARTER THE SMARTEST OF CRiminals unjoin entirely & become peasant prince or peasant princess Like insteada jus being a peasant As for tha victims that remain princess or prince they staze that waze Like princessses & princes faiRwell peasants...
Above & beLow is a PLace i caLL~THE Window of: MagicaL Me$$age$ + Rainbow ReMindeR$ + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset $tain gLa$$ Location@: 420 W. 19th $t Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAM$...his biRthdaze is deceMbeR 25th...i dont know wut yeaR oR daze & tyMe oR when his souL was actuaLLy Made but its known tho & docuMented that accuReately suMwheRe in diff books of knowLedge heRes suM MoRe fRee styLe pRayeRs a MiMe of Me MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of cLick individuaLLy 2 see~
& fRee styLe prayeRs i did RegauRding that iMage above is obviously that jctpop~jesus chRist the PRince of Peace a MiMe of Me MiMing MyseLf a ReMix a Mix of to this tune CANDy MAN Bye AUQUA MusicaLLy tha LyRics REMind Me of heM kinda cLick Link beLow 2 see~
otheRs i dedicate 2 heM cLick individuaLLy 2 see~
otheR than hypnosis & MeMORy deLetion this Link beLow i notice suM psychoLogicaLLy tRy 2 tuRn Me in2 suMMa a wut i aM in tha 80s that biblicaLLy educated then & now but suM1 tRies 2 foRce Me 2 aLMost sound Like that saMe LiL giRL voice when iMA woMan which is a LiL giRL fuLL gRown & iM disfiguRed & wutev eLSe so i jus go wit it but i got MoRe chaRactERs i dont get2 eMbRace even suMMa My signatuRe wutevs LoL Like MiMe MiMing & wit out disabiLities i aM fastER wit theM sLowER anywaze cLick Link 2 see this is bout tha nuMbeRs cuLt i caMe acRoss this MeLanie MaRtinez song tha LyRics ReMind Me of sociaL secuRity caRDs & otheRiLLegaL use of NUMBERS which is MORe pRoof peasants onLy get stupideR LoL haha thats thieR sentence NOT Mine & its aLso ReMinded in bibLical educationaL & spiRituaL duh...& sub uRban Many naMes etc. he a hypnoticaL MusicaL chaRacteR his tune pLaze LatER it suM how goes Like he sing teLL Me is uR fathER a good MAn when i coLLabbed wit jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace & his biological birth daddy is king god tha 1 that pLaze cRown testeRs i aLMost Laugh on that paRt b cus i did not pLan the otheR songs that caMe on i was doing the MeLanie MaRtinez thing & i was 2 sLow 2 keep up wit heR then diff tunes staRt pLaying & king god aLso know 2 say 2 sin oR not 2 sin when its not an option & LoweR hands tRy 2 step in & then joeL oLsteen a guest speakeR his coMMeRciaL coMes on outta no wheRe & wut he says is so sMaRt & tRue bout dont b waisting tyMe wit individuaLs that dont got the intensions 2 Make the Land of dReaMs a betteR pLace on My ReMix a Mix of that i coMbine in2 these otheR tunes songs i May not sound how i intend 2 but the LyRics i wRote 4 this R coRRect i even incLude in the 90s when ReaL MERMaids taLk 2 Me on a sheLL suM use as a MagicaL phone they teLL ME do a totalLy haiR styLe they ReMEMbeR when My souL was MAde in the 80s i Made it 2 the beach expecting theM to be theRE they spiRituaLLy teLL Me 2 see how diRty that watER is R they even in theRe?! oR did they contact Me fRoM 1 ReaLM oveR?! they expect Me 2 do MoRe i dont got tha education so who knows when i wiLL see ReaL MeRMaids again as they ReaLLy did taLk 2 Me on that giant sea sheLL thiing i use 2 got a MeRMAid Like voice b4 oR MAybe its a Language that sounds that waz they speak in fish & engLish & MeRMaid & cReatuRe they do diff voices Like the ganji faiRies they MagicaL usuaLLy...in this ReaLM they get diMMed Round iLLegaL Land scaping & wutev eLSe jus Like any victiM...bLa BLa BLA MeMORy MAzing MAze aside fRoM that cLick Link 2 see & towaRds the end pLaze a pink fLoyd instRuMentaL i 4got tha titLe of that tune its Like cReatuRes appeaR MoRe visibLy wit suM Music aside from other chaRacters that spiRituaL show up MORe visibLe its Like they attended the fRee styLe pRayEr bibLicaL gatheRing thing spiRituaLLy eitheRwaze Rappin Rockin baRbie u can teLL tRy 2 heLp Me get this song out theRe as a hip hop heR waze but i didnt suceed i argue wit her in spirit i dont alwaze get 2 choose how i sound or wut i do 24/7 duh! Like aLL the diff opinions of how this coLLabeRation shouLd sound & go oRigininaLLy wit MeLAnie MaRtinez tune nuMbeRs i was gonna wait at Least i got the Message out theRe how it ties in wit ReaLity & its that seRious it needs to end fake authoRities fake biblical & fake educational & fake MedicaL & wutev eLSe not Mentioned this is ReaL Life & i actuaL now that i ReMeMbER i aLReady taLk bout all this in summa my other post & MoRE & this is how i tRy 2 bReak it down yet wiish i incLude aLL the other stupid details that MatteR o weLL tiL next tyMe i wiLL taLk & MiMe again MOst LikeLy~
next is a fRee styLe pRayeR of Me MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of MyseLf to this MusicaL Man: bc333 song titLed vasana f. sadhguRu cLick 2 see~
& next is otheR Links that wit that 1 eaRLieR above cLick individualLy 2 see~
To My daughteR~
Mya hope u Make it 2 that chuRch on sundaze
bRing uR Mya Loka doLL if u want
I brought her b4 along wit other dolls
TRy to get theRe
420 W 19th St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Like u aLReady know
It’s bout 30~45 min walk from our stepping stone
depends on how fast or slow u walking
It starts at 10 am ends at 11am
EveRy sundaze
But I will b there round 9 sumthing like sumtyme b4 10am
Let me know if u going
U should b there every sundaze too duh
& heLp Rescue these places & locations from the peasants stealing
Bye bringing purity & wutev else u got access to doing duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mya u suppose to be in Recovery to recover u need higher vitamins which I got 4 u like those powder smoothies wit the all that in it & an egg a daze & martinellis not from concentrate & more duh
U need fitness & spoRts & a higher calendar schedule based on wut u got access to
Do wut U should be doing
EitheRwaze it’s jus diff tea herb plants combine correctly that will help restore body tissues & more
Along wit fitness & biblical educational & more
So u need to do 1 egg a daze & smoothie thing & martinellis not from concentrate & wutev else
Portion uR foods like u already know
& get on a heaLthier calendar schedule to help make the land of dreams a better place like you use to be more about
Sum of these hang outs u call them are actual abductions suMtyMes duh!!!!!
& Yes they are
But wutev
Hope u get back into modeling more & acting & theatre & fashion art etc.
& wutev else not mentioned
Mya stop being at these other peoples supposive stepping stones
Ur not allowed to live like that
U need more fitness & vitamins sports ballet ballerina dance theatrical & wutev else not mention that I use to do at school & on ur own tyMe
U need to cLean uR RooM & wutev eLse duh!
b MoRe oRganized
Wut is wRong wit u?!
Waisting tyMe wit these people u title friends
You*Re Not aLLowed…
Mya u need to showeR or take a bath every morning & every night & more if needed Duh
Like higher vitamins & sports & wutev else like ballet & theatRe
& BRush ur teeth & MoRe!!!!!!!
Mya u need a higher caLendaR scheduLe
U need more fitness & vitamins & higher biblical educational
AngeLina Mya Loka LiL cLown caRe beaR tRoLL undeRbRidge daze g jeRoMe Many NaMes etc.
Zero perversion
Zero drugs
Zero illegal things
in real laws duh
PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~
SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7
Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh
Like high bye
Jctpop~Jesus Christ the pRince of peace occasionally visits me MoRe visibly at diff places & locations
& he show me 1 of his books of knowledge
A Real holy bible!!!!!!!!
It got realistic iMages on 1 side of the page
& wRiting on the otheR scripture so accurate!!!!
& then he flip the pages like a flip book it is like watching a Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!
He say it’s true that’s a real holy bible & he got several books of knowledge aside from it & they all like that!!!!!!
& he remind me peasants Re write it & leave out the magical movie like pages intensionaLLy & they twist the truth wit lies...
& title it holy bible when it’s jus based on summa wut the holy bible say & sum isn’t
& it’s used as a cuLt guide for cult leaders cult members
Also known as a peasant guide for peasant members & peasant leaders
He show me diff styles he do like that tyMe he show me bLood flowing from 1 eye & a rainbow a paint from the other
He say if I staze innocent I get to go to that art biblical gathering thing
So I done a similar look on my face b4 & I gave a poRtRait of him a make over of wut he show me summa his real looks are !!!!

Aside from that cLick this bibLicaL educationaL Link I made beLow it’s not that Long & it’s biblically inspiRed education click to see~
My webpage~
NOT DONE yet tho...