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Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand


Updated: May 10, 2023

I MADE THESE puff sleeves & more &THiNGS DURiNG FREE STYLE PRAZiNG a ReMix a Mix of diff pRaze Like f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc.

i get pRevented fRoM weapons & My ResouRces so

AS GIFTS I GAVE THE orangeish puff sLeeve TO THAT G MA D.A.K.

she on the right in that image below & im obviously on tha left...

i got her also sum a that same make up i got on in that pic as a biblically inspired present like literally a rainbow reminder like magical messages & etc. bla bla bla...

eventually later in this post there will be as many pictures that fit to show summa tha biblical gifts i gave her...

like at this tyme thats all i get to do i'm entitled to do waze more like im seeking advanced higher education to be a biblical doctor genious to better assist animals & humans in tha medical field & wit thier resources & wutev else like natural remedies & nessasary proceedures like aside from fashion art etc. duh!

below is a video of me wearing my puff sleeve & etc.~

here*s a song that reminds me of myself in the link next~


this next song below in tha link tha lyrics remind me of her situation i talk more on later & i mention it b4 wit dopetastical intension like wut really even happen~


this Link beLow i taLk MoRe on that Link above cLick 2 see~

& she seems traumatized bye that classical rock kinda music i heard off & on my whole life b cus a lunatics like my supposive biological birth mommy lunatically lunatical Lynn many names etc.

but that song really describes summa her life from wut i do know...she*LL know wut im taLkin bout as soon as she reads & hears those lyrics duh! close tha door turn off tha light is jus like her abduction of her being forced to reside in a vehicle & then when tha song say they wont be home tonight can be referring to her supposive sons & daughters & other lunatical trespassers duh!...& etc.

beLow is an iMage of Me & heR~


cLick Links beLow individuaLly thRough out this post~

I'm not done entiReLy wit that story above as I sent it to the white House & more... Along wit other reality updates like my daughters abductions & mine & etc.

...But here's another fact bout that I will include in that link mentioned at the top of this message & the following link either click on them individually or type seperate on Google search as they may be both on my webpage but they in diff parts of it... & after you type it in or go to webpage click on diff tabs it will pop up eventually wutev is in each one...

That grown woman 1 a my supposive grandma's she does a variety a natural remedies to survive like apple cider vinegar it*s like an astringent & detox purifying liquid & real mayo that's filled wit Omega 3 which contains vitamins a~z she baiths in it daily jus to staze alive & for health & nutrition duh! Which is also due to her situation & etc.

Like she really got forced in a vehicle raped drugged til her teeth fell out & molested & she been residing off & on in a car since like the early 90s late 80s round that tyme til now it's like 2021 duh! She & others I tell bout already need to get rescued immediately! Duh! This is webpage~

I update it when I got access go on read every blog post & click & see every's filled wit biblical education & realities & etc.

MEMORy MAZing...deceMbeR 2020...& noveMbeR 2020...i made sum birthdaze & holidaze& ubirthdaze presents &

Earlier Todaze Met up wit my supposive biogical birth grandma emeralds carrots natural remedies two shakes of a lambs tail Doris Ann(e) KeLL(e)y aka D.A. McLain aka nana aka many names aka etc. Her birthdaze is November 21, 193?~194? Round there I always forget...she GOT included on my birth certificate she witness my birth in a House on January 15, 1986 @694 W. Wilson St Costa Mesa, CA. USA AKA THA LAND A DREAMS AKA MANY NAMES AKA ETC. In tha first three pics in this post She tha one on tha right duh & there's me on tha left like we both got recognizeable characters... She been forced by peasants to reside in a vehicle off & on for almost 30 years or so round there that I'ma aware of she got raped by peasants & drugged til her teeth fell out & her dog paws aka boo boo aka many names aka etc. got raped also & more it's not funny I already notify tha 911 & white house & more duh! Along wit other situations that need to be assisted by those who qualify only like princes & princesses fairwell peasants duh!

Like again There we obviously are in that pic above after those puff sleeves i made her tha thanxgiving looking style one & i made myself tha classical ballerina one...

As I post already I got her matching make up like summa mine she loves it b cus I tell her it's in tha tea bag wrap so she can easily find it if she wanna wear it already like I do t know her calendar other than she in mine todaze & I'm in hers duh! But she always tell me she love tha diff colors a Make up I wear & ribbons & etc so I got her sum too...she isn't wearing it yet in tha picture I know I look super vibrant like middle eastern jungle forest beach desert clown doll creature princess etc & I gave her sum holidaze gifts sum I hand made & she gave sum too like biblical calendars & a reminder statue bout Jesus Christ tha prince of peace like it is his birth month

& to her surprise she*LL see I included diff religions like they all 100% true like several reminding a variety biblically educational presents & art work & in writing & more she*ll literally see wut I'm talking bout eventually...

Aside from that I got light up Sox & wutev else she say that peasants sent sum things for me to her mailing address!?

Like they are really summa my daughter angelina Rachel obductors duh!!!!

They accomplice that whole thing for power over a princess & wutev else like they retarted...

I still got sciatica & etc. & I took sprinkles cupcake sprakles that third to tha duck park to that ibilis style tree we love & there's was souls in it human ones lil girls or grown woman I don't know I put sprinkles in tha tree as I waited for her til THA daze I get to climb again probly when that sciatica is gone it will be so fun like b4 anywaze sprinkles wat to leave early even to take hu.ans in that tree say they don't mind I guess sprinkle got diff vibes or maybe a schitzophrenic that was the even there got in her mind b cus she left that tree & start walking awaze then she look at it in a distance we ended up leaving she traumatized by sum humans duh!!!!!!!!! Like I do let her out at our temporary stepping stone she barely go tho...!?

Also... My daughter angelina Rachel many names etc. Is still obducted again i already know & wut I already report that she being raped drugged starved etc. & Is OBDUCTED I don't know where she is!?

I even report i escaped summa her obductors that was once mine that I'ma aware of!!!!!! She gotta awaze b4 also...

& More!

There's lie ditector test & more duh!

This isn't funny she needs to get rescued immediately! Duh!

Costa Mesa police stop bye I show then tha picture & messages & let them know it's illegal wut they are doing accomplicing crimes & etc.

They jus make fun of me & my daughter & others situation that real authorities of all kinds are supposed to be better assisting!!!!

biblical doctors exist & others authorities that can better assist everyone ...

Jus like 1 Peter 5:7 in tha holy Bible states it's illegal to worry very similar like same kinda laws & more...

I tell my daughter Angelina Rachel since she was like a baby to get careers & all her resources I try to help her get hers while I continue to try to get mine duh!!!!! I even tell her *emancipate & more!

Like peasants need to stop trying to catergorizing souls wit fake laws!

Bla bla bla

Aside from that~ That's one step thats nessary to be sober & health like Omega 3 & vitamins a~z...duh...sum souls are in denial bout wutev else like drugs are never an option...

I never been a drug addict but I got forced to identify as one b cus a sickos that drug others & themself like that's nothing to go back to for anyone...

Here's tha truth of wut u might not know...the 12 biblical steps to recovery is regarding any kind of recover plus reminds that relapsing is never part of it!? I'm aware that alcoholics anonymous & narcotics anonymous is only a place to tell your version of the story thier steps are not holy they jus a similar Waze that they try to make money it's free to be sober & wuteveR duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Princes & princesses Fair well peasants


High bye

Bla bla bla & PER$iAN PRAyER i MADE~



My biological birth daughter~ Her birth name is Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 9, 2006 in fountain valley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc.


Her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV born May 24, 1981 in brawley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc. He a Rapist of baby's kids teens adults humans & animals of all genders & ages he has a criminal & belongs disintegrated for his existing crimes he sends other peasants aside from himself sometimes after whoever...

Like get biblically educated all tha religions in picture & written form are 100% true duh! Like that real laws & more are reminded there Like

PURiTy over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & etc.

Like princesses and princes fairwell peasants...

in the pic below is me wit a gift that g ma d.a.k. many names etc. gave me a s a biblically educational reminder & wutev else like etc. biblical doctor geniouses can bring back jctPOP: jesus christ the PRiNCE OF PEACE DUH!

To whom this may concern:

6734 say hELP upside down...

This is serious...My grandma Doris Ann(e) Kell(e)y aka D. A. McLain aks many names like natural remedies emeralds carrots two shakes of a lambs tail aka nana & etc. ABDUCTiONS & etc.

Her & her dog paws many names etc. that tyme got force to reside in vehicle(s) off & on for almost 30 years!? USA 911 authorities do nothing like biblical ones are needed & more! Like everyone etitled to thieR own resources individually...Anywaze D. Ann(e) Kell(e)y that natural remedies got drugged & raped til her teeth fell out!!!!!!!! She tell me she was born somewhere in Lincoln, Nebraska a place sum call the USA but biblically speaking in the LAND OF DREAMS ON November 21, 1930s~1940s I alwaze forget she know eitherwaze around then though ...I tell her situation to whoever through technology on the internet I post a similar story along with to the white house & Facebook & police reports & by text & calls to a variety a numbers!? She needs to get rescued & all her resources individually already this is illegal what is going on!? Peasants stealing land & jobs & more!!!!!!!

Her temporary mailing address in this war is: MS. DORiS McLAiN P.O. BOX 29092 SANTA ANA, CA. 92799

Her phone # is: 1•657•203•1105

& Again my daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc is abducted by peasants again! She also needs to get rescued immediately duh!

Like sparkles prayers victims dreaming rescue them from victimizers nightmares 24/7

Like DREAMS come true if they suppose to...duh

To My daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. you needs to get rescued escape etc immediately & get all your resources individually duh!!!!! Maybe that supposive biblical rescue place mentioned in this webpage on internet like Google helping rescueing victims will help do with suppose to happen...etc. since 911 authorities & others aren't doing anything like thier job description...biblical authorities are needed& real laws in all tha religions are biblically reminded in books & pictures & movies & animation & more!

Aside from that~ I looked Into non•surgical spine care it's suppose to vanish sciatica!? & seen that video they show me during my constaltation...

Looks like a Miracle if it's true to vanish sciatical attackings or to cart wheel & climb & more again...

I experience sciatica B4 I got diagnosed with it in 2006 duh & i remember when my sciatica was getting better it got worse in 2017 when I lift sumthing that pinched tha previously irritated nerve...

Sciatica is a permanent condition like I occasionally get sciatical attacks out of no where & sometimes my body locks & spasms!

I get laser therapy & do stretches when I can but I still deal with random sciatically situations overall & because of it my body weakens inside from previous attackings it's like a on going recovering process I try to get my body back to usual only the sciatica that happens here & there is why I get weak...

I looked into other kinds a laser treatment like laser non•surgicals is where they laser the irritated pinched nerve but that doctor demand more money on top of my insurance or he say get out go deal with sciatica with out laser non•surgicals!?

So I don't know...

Like Happy birthdaze & holidaze unbirthdaze etc.

Like I'ma be around forever like longer than an eternity duh!

Go on use lie ditector test...

On other ReaLities~ My daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. Is still ABDUCTED!


I DECLINED WUTEV she offering


I don't want nothing from u ...'s probly rape money or wutev rapist peasants try to pay u off wit that's disgusting get outta there!

U need your resources getta job a career goals & etc.

Once u goT ur own income u entitled to u can get me gifts presents later whenever like I got yours put awaze since ur obductions...

there's no more room to buy or make u more...

there will be eventually tho...

No body here wants Willie's child molester money or funeral money or his porno money or RAPE MONEY OR anything from him...

I already report him to chiLd support when I first started getting it outta no where I tell them in writing & in emails & in person child support is illegal that u can work even as a baby in Disney or Pampers or all a that above at that tyme duh! Then they tell me if I don't accept it then they taking wutev resources I got access & putting us in tha streets again!?

They commit fraud & let sickos like Willie buy thier Waze out wit fraudulent money & perversion this is serious! No body gets to buy thier Waze out...duh!

That's another crime & etc.U need to get rescued escape immediately!

Ur abducted!

This company called telecare say they gonna try to help me & also try to help u get all ur resources & put Willie where he belongs also which is disintegrated or prison while waiting for disintegration date...

Telecare say they gonna do wut they can in this war to help wit wutev is nessasary duh! Also colleges school a place of education dreams careers etc. Are suppose to be all ages...

Elementary & Junior high & high schools need to be taken down permanently duh!Sum souls can be biblical doctors at around age 2 & wutev else fashion art etc. Culinary arts sports inventors wutevs...

Aside from that everyone needs to stop multiplying...

Here's more info.

Bout wut I been telling u for years stop listening to peasants!

This is serious!

I offer to take u before to at least get in birth control while at that tyme I continue to try to get all our resources individually for each of us which includes that hysterectomy surgical proceedure required to not multiply ever!

I know I tell u jus go to emergency room even then since u don't listen to me & neither does 911 & more Like it's another kinda emergency Or Go to nearest planned parent hood request a hysterectomy surgery & they will do it so you won't multiply duh & go on birth control wit no hormones while waiting for surgical date duh!...

Google wutev...

Hysterectomy proceedure: The uterus is where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. During the surgery the whole uterus is usually removed. Your doctor may also remove your fallopian tubes and ovaries. After a hysterectomy, you no longer have menstrual periods and cannot become pregnant...

Or this is an option also!

Tubal ligation proceedure: Remove those tubes & permanently prevents pregnancy, so you no longer need any type of birth control. However, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Tubal ligation may also decrease your risk of ovarian cancer, especially if the fallopian tubes are removed.

Eitherwaze get rescued escape etc.


Learn to pronounce See definitions in:

All Law Physiology noun

1.the action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away against their will."they organized the abduction of Mr. Cordes on his way to the airport"

Other than that~Message I sent to my daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. Like she is really still abducted this is illegal & etc.

Anywaze I tell her again that~

Here's more info. Bout wut I been telling u for years stop listening to peasants!!!!!

This is serious!!!!!!!

I offer to take u before to at least get in birth control while at that tyme I continue to try to get all our resources individually for each of us which includes that hysterectomy surgical proceedure required to not multiply ever!

I know I tell u jus go to emergency room even then since u don't listen to me & neither does 911 & more Like it's another kinda emergency Or Go to nearest planned parent hood request a hysterectomy surgery & they will do it so you won't multiply duh & go on birth control wit no hormones while waiting for surgical date duh!...

Google wutev...

Eitherwaze get rescued escape etc. There'slie ditector test...

like hysterectomy are required for every female & tha proceedure for tha males too! those are real laws & are reminded in every religion...

it's illegal what's going on...

Lie ditector test are suppose to be used regarding what resources to give each individual whether it's a temporary stepping stone or thier own property or hotel for victims like myself at or near my birth place duh!

Like whatever is available! & for victimizers it's prison or disintegration or deported or all a the above...

There's not allowed to be a waiting list!

Housing authority is supposed to assist everyone individually like sum belong in orphanage or kid prison or disintegration eitherwaze deported duh!

Go on to the white house go ask Donald john trump in person or read into every religion or both or etc. If you really choose or are being forced to be that uneducated

...Princes & princesses Fair well peasants

Like High bye

Bla bla bla



...My cats!!! They jus summa my real family duh!


I know I qualify for more like where's my daughter & all my resources & hers & tha animals & everyone's!?

Like wut is really going on!?

Wut happened to staze trumping & etc. & like I thought on that news when it show Donald J. Trump getting more biblically educated wit that holy Bible The Holy Bible in his hand that he would enforce actual laws biblically reminded in all religions & bring on biblical authorities & more duh!

Message I sent my abducted daughter angelina Rachel many names etc.

Bla bla bla

Also I already tell you to get birth control non hormonal iud while waiting to get hysterectomy proceedure to help end multiplying duh!...

go to obgyn doctor or emergency room or a biblical doctor I tell u this long ago look wut happened to me before cus Willie & others obductors & force rape & multiplying & try to prevent others from thier own resources which includes wit I mentioned & more...duh You need to get rescued escape immediately...etc.Like biblical doctors exist & others authorities that can better assist everyone

...Jus like 1 Peter 5:7 in tha holy Bible states it's illegal to worry very similar like same kinda laws & more...

I tell my daughter Angelina Rachel since she was like a baby to get careers & follow dreams & all her resources I try to help her get hers while I continue to try to get mine duh!

I even tell her *emancipate & more!

She got an entertainment license years ago as soon as I was able to get it for her B4 then & after her abductors & mine & peasants in general prevent them from doing more duh Like peasants need to stop trying to catergorizing souls wit fake laws!

Bla bla bla

Aside from that~That's one step thats nessary to be sober & health like Omega 3 & vitamins a~z...duh...sum souls are in denial bout wutev else like drugs are never an option...I never been a drug addict but I got forced to identify as one b cus a sickos that drug others & themself like that's nothing to go back to for anyone...Here's tha truth of wut u might not know...the 12 biblical steps to recovery is regarding any kind of recover plus reminds that relapsing is never part of it!? I'm aware that alcoholics anonymous & narcotics anonymous is only a place to tell your version of the story thier steps are not holy they jus a similar Waze that they try to make money it's free to be sober & wuteveR duh! Princes & princesses Fair well peasants Like

High bye Bla bla bla SpaRkLes PRAyERS ViCTiMs DREAMiNG RESCUE THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED to...My biological birth daughter~Her birth name is Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 9, 2006 in fountain valley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc.

She is abDUCTED!

Her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV born May 24, 1981 in brawley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc.

He a Rapist of baby's kids teens adults humans & animals of all genders & ages he has a criminal & belongs disintegrated for his existing crimes he sends other peasants aside from himself sometimes after whoever...Like get biblically educated all tha religions in picture & written form are 100% true duh!

Like that real laws & more are reminded there Like PURiTy over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & etc. Like princesses and princes fairwell peasants...Sincerely, Rachel Michele {McLain}Drivers License California i.d. #D9078194 Student i.d. #C02050377 @Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA 92626 *also known as what I call that place the island of dreams & more that location needs rescueing & a make over by Barbie company & Disney company & myself & victims: princes & princessses only! My mailing address another temporary residence stepping stone: 400 Merrimac Way #42 Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 My phone#949•610•4967

& I'm on YouTube just type in my web address above in the search & some of my videos will show the others are on Facebook & my web page...My Facebook pages:{I got about 4}~

(1) KRi Stahyena Ka Vand

(2) Rachel Michelé

(3)PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé

(4) Michelé McLain

& Here's the winred links I made! I spaced them awaze from each other click on individually or type one link at a time on Google search they should work I check already they all working...

QUOTES~ *Orange Coast College: we will help you get there! Go pirates! (In Costa Mesa, CA) & *Nike: just do it! & *BARBIE: HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS! YOU CAN BE ANYTHING! & *ENERGIZER BUNNY: KEEP GOING! & *HUE BUNNY: LIFES TOO SHORT TO LIVE SOMEONE TO ELSE DREAM & *WALT DISNEY: (HE GOT SO MANY BUT HERES ONE OF MY FAVORITES) ...DREAM FOREVER! & *Like I say: DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSE TO...& SHh! CLOWNy tyME TiC TOC i*M on tha cLock a teaRle$$ CHARACTER of LaughteR woRking whiLe sMiLing...NO CRyiNG!...Like HiGH ByE!...& SparkLes PRayeRs victiMs DREAMS get ReSCUED FROM victiMizeRs NightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs come true if they suppose to...duh! *Staze DREAMing yesterdaze 2daze toMMow$ MeMoRy mazing...*DonaLd john tRump aka djt: staze trumpin...& *Scarlet o'hara: (gone with the wind movie character)~after all tomorrow is another day! her fashion! & *Rette butler: (gone with the wind movie character)~frankly scarlet I don't give a damn ...& *Judy garland as Dorothy: (wizard of oz character)~theres no place like home & somewhere over the rainbow & how are you talking if you don't gotta brain? & *Scare crow: (wizard of oz character)~some people with out brains do a lotta talking..& More...#PRAYERS #DREAMS#GOALS#FASHION#ART #ETC all tha gods (KINGS)& godesses (QUEENS)& THIER LIL pRINCESSES& LIL PRINCES ARE ENTITLED TO FREEDOM& MORE! PEASANTS BELONG IN PRISON OR DISINTEGRATED OR BOTH OR DEPORTED OR ETC. & Google: Rachel Michelé McLain More bout me will pop up...duh

KATT WiLLiaMs the coMedian as i Mention 2 My gRandMa his identity attend spiRituaLLy 2 this fRee styLe pRayeR bout how 2 betteR assist this RetaRted hoe that pRefeRs 2 get paid wit peRveRsion bye heR fake husband(s) so i pay heR Like she a pRostitute no physicaL contact Like a good seMeRatin with out weapons oR a Lie ditectoR test duh! & MeLanie MaRtinez musicaL & waLteR waLt disney & hugh M hefneR & More chaRacters in spirit including jctpop~jesus chRist the prince of peace encourage these gifts for 2 do the Right thing wit theM duh!...she got that caRd that i thought i upLoad on this post bout it?!...hackeRs pRobly oR suMthing...?1

this Look beLow i put 2 getheR 4 her b cus she got drugged 2 not weaR certain things like this as easily so i gave her this is a stretchy fabs & threads & its a MaRiLyn MonRoe siLohouette like her signature white dress of that actress play bunny model but more colorful & i include an animal print shirt under b cus she at this tyme cant wear it like MaRiLyn ReaLLy i Mean she can try but the animal print also represents thier resources need 2 happen too & i put amask as an option other than make up i gave her b cus she say she hates how it looks on on drugged wrinkled face as she got drugged so i dont know?! theres all kinds of things she easily got access 2 medine & botox & More! she claims she waiting on a oervert 2 make her dreams come true?! i tell her this persian prayer i made up~ sparkles prayers victims dreaming Rescue them from victimizers nightmars like dreams come true if they suppose to duh bla bla bla like high bye...& the dress print reinds me of fireworks that prisoners ride on Rockets & go up in the sky as they disintegrate sparkles every wheRe gLittery coLoRs...& theres a corset if it dont fit her she can use a ribbon or sumthing 2 easier get in this Look...& the unicorn horn is like when her souL was made or any1s ReaLLy & the bunny eaRs i thought was funny b cus suM say she Lower that disney & pLaybunny coMpany but wutev...

below is an an image musical theatrical character that goes bye the name of melanie martinez that m.m. doll mela tone many names etc. i listen to this song & other tunes too like bye others also but in tha link below is one that i wrap summa tha gifts to...& cLick Link 2 hear & see this MusicaL i LiteRaLLy Listen 2 duRing this free styLe pRayer spiritual biblical gathering 2 put this gift 2gether Like i dont got weapons or Lie ditector test or wutev Required 2 better assist this situation so i ended up doing this biblicaLLy inspiRed thing 4 My supposive gRandma on my biological birth mommy side...

& now in this next iMage there*$ WALTER a bibLicaL doctoR genious & MoRe...ALSO KNOWN AS WALT ELiAS DiSNEy Many NaEs etc.


I been trying to get a hold a an actual Disney representative!?

Like Walter wuts going on!?

I remember u say forever dreaming

& More

& Like i say: PERSiAN PRAyer i made up~

Sparkles prayers victiMs DREAMiNG RESCUE THEM FROM VictiMizers NightMaRes 24/7

Like dreams come true if they supposed to...duh! bla bla bla Like high bye

then next there*s me again...& wit that twin phone thing i mentioned earlier...i gave her the other as a gift i love it thought she might to...its more her daze & my lil daze b4 i got access to advanced technology but i sumtymes prefer diff versions of wutev...anywaze...speaking of telephones...


me above & below diff Looks of fashion art etc. like bla bla bla...

BLA BLA BLA...Like aside from that...i got her this Mug it got 1 a her nick names on it...NANA...

This post is based on true... My supposive biological grandma that Doris a. McLain aka d. Ann(e) Kell(e)y aka nana aka natural remedies aka emeralds carrots aks two shakes of a lambs tail aka many names etc.

She lie for the rape gang too like they make sum act as liars

she even say wutta blessing the rapists even provide her with a vehicle to illegally live inside of

wut good people

the best she ever known...

I know she being scarcastic but she really force to reside in a car

& as I mentioned already she been drugged & raped til her teeth fell out & rape gang members bring animals telling her if u love them so much here they are...

wutta bunch a sickos!!!

In that image above u will see a vehicle similar to that one my grandma got raped & force to reside in for like 30 years since around early 90s in diff vehicles like that It later got painted all white

b cus that peasant Hispanics in brown pride cult gangs wanna blame white power retards!?

When it's both a them together & others in a variety a cults...

Anywaze the criminals that did this also brought a baby pig & put it in the vehicle wit her!? The pig got to be like 300 lbs!?

Then they supposively watch her every move & prevent her from getting help I call 911 & tha rape gangs are trying to take over bye stealing presidential possitions & more!!!!

I tell her I made reports but I don't got access to all my resources to do more even if she a peasant or princess...for her to deport herself back to Lincoln , Nebraska I don't know...

She try to steal that location I was born: January 15, 1986 @ 694 w Wilson st. Costa mesa, california many names etc. Baby girl garnet & persia, kalifornia & Harper & more...duh!

or at least it look that waze wit a variety a rape gangs going in & outta there raping me & drugging & more dysfunctional retardation happen too!

Can't put into words it was like a perversion center & crime scene 24/7 duh!

At that tyme the fight over my resources for themselves!?

Also in that 2nd car below u will see a pic is the one she was put it before that other vehicle ...

At that tyme the gang rape & drug her til her teeth fell out & they raped her dog of many names like paws & more...

She got given more animals to die off before her eyes or to live that waze too...

It's illegal to b in motor thing like that ...

Real laws everything like that is suppose to be electrical duh!

It's not funny...

That rape gang say to me look we got your grandma & your daughter... & More...wutta bunch a sickos!

& They try to force me to live in a vehicle b4 also they claim as I'm I c as. B my grandma's neighbor to they rape me & I escaped gotta Waze they returned to try again to make me be in a vehicle a white blame white power cults & etc.

They think it makes them look innocent...

it was don't bye a afrikan jamaikan or sumthing of that nature his roots he also hispanic & maybe caucasion too & more like a mix

& he my daughter biological birth daddy

He a rapist of baby's kids teens adults of animals & humans of all ages & genders duh! & Fraud & abductions & drugging & other crimes...

he claims he is in every cult regardless

including color cults like brown pride white power red yellow black etc.

My daughter is aBducted again other situations are being ignored also etc she needs to get rescued immediately duh!


During those daze Late 80s early 90s

Nana many names etc. D. Ann(e) Kell(e)y aka Doris a. McLain aka emerald carrots aka natural remedies aka two shakes of a lambs tail she came outta no where to a location I been aBducted & escaped b4...

I was put under hypnotic & memory deletion twist wit psychology & I was standing in front of that place outside like a statue...

Then my g ma emerald carrots natural remedies pulled up in a vehicle she reside in like the ones in tha pics & she handed me tha lamb chop stuffed animal

& she drove off wit out me like she aware of these abductors & she not sticking around to see wut happens next so she left me like they part a her situation living in cars...

I gotta awaze eventually...

These peasants drug & rape & other dysfunctional crimes...

I woke up in thank jacuzzi drugged up face down in that water...

They try to cover up thier perversion crimes wit fake attempted that's a crime also duh!!!!!!

They do these things for fun...

Anywaze years later...

I gotta another smaller version of that lamb chop for my daughter...

& Mine that binkie it comes wit when I was smaller in tha 80s when I got it I used it for myself & lost it!?

So I got her a new one & its prettier plastic clear pink...

I got a coupel a them I made earrings & necklaces & got blueish color binkies like it too

& My first name RacheL & that's my daughter middle name in Hebrew it means LAMB Which is saying staze innocent like animals & help them too wit resources or wutev & etc.

tha link below goes wit this post along wit other ReaLities duh! click on it 2 see & hear Messages~

& Next aRe $uMMa heR ceLeb LOOK aLike$~Look $ee...scaRLet o'haRa

MeRyL stReep in these Movie$~

this actRess in fiLM beLow wedding cRasheRs~Jane Seymour as chaRactEr Kathleen Cleary

& she Looks kinda Like this Looney tunes chaRacteR LOOk~

& tha step moM chaRacteR on this fiLM~

& she Looks Like tha gRandMa in that aNa$ta$ia aniMation~

& Like tha fake queen & snow white...etc.

& kinda Like angeLina this next fiLM...

& gLenda tha good witch...

LateLy she kinda Look Like hugh M hefneR aka pLay bunny aka hugh bunny Many names etc.

heres a quote bye hiM that wiLL hopefuLLy heLp heR wit ReaLity~

& dyaNNae baRRy gRandMa chaRacter in anne a gReen gabLes this veRsion...& etc.

my daughter love the animated version wit that cartoon her puff sleeves take her flying Anne of Green Gables

& beLow HeRe$ $uMMa My daughteRs aRtwoRk in that image next~

I ReMeMbeR heR teLLing Me: "Look RacheL I dRew you!..."& It ReaLLy looks like Me she even include the puff sleeves she knows i love that style duh! So do she like the Sox & more we like similar fashion art etc. sumtymes...

& It's next to that pastel Rainbow ...she also dRew which ReMinds me of when my soul was made...& MoRe!

Like I seen hers be made too like that's another story she know better b cus I didn't see anything else like wutev else ...

I post those tales & more on my webpage & on other face book post & where ev else...


She is abducted & needs to get RESCUED iMMEDiateLy...

My webpage~

& the upcoMing iMages aRe obviousLy of Me dRessed up as sImILar 2 that scenne in that fiLm Mention eaRLieR ANNE OF GREEN GABLE$ it$ the scene when she tRies 2 dye heR Reddi$h oRange hair cRow Raven bLackish then it tuRns shades a gReenish instead & i incLude puff made of sheets b cus MoRiLLa say they dont got access to MoRe fabRic for that styLe yup i found a waze i bet she wouLd do it aLso...


Like fashion art etc. CLick oR type on YouTube oR googLe individuaLLy~

then next Me & My daughteR~

this fiLM i think is the Rite 1 in the iMage beLow that ReMinds Me of suM otheR ReaLities~

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