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My 38th biRthdaze Like happy hoLidaze 24/7 unbiRthdaze f.a.e.~fash aRt etc. $paRkLes pRayERs SHh!~

Updated: Jan 23

i Made the$e diff cake$ 4 My 38th biRthdaze...i got Most the things 2 do so fRoM tha 99 cent onLy stoRes Like the Rose & heaRt shape pastRy dough MakeRs & singing fLoweR candLe & wutev eLse & stateR bRos i got suM things theRe aLso & that cake above is shape a s a Rose & it*$ a confetti pastRy dough wit cheRRy fiLLing & vaniLLa bean ice cReaM & stRawbeRRy cReaM cheese fRosting & sugaR cRystaLs & whip cReaM as cLouds wit Rainbow wit a gLittERy spaRkLe$ unicoRn figuRine & pLastic diaMonds & 2 MetaL paRis fRance eifLe toweR statues...a goLdish & a bLackish & LoLLi pop & Ring pop & candLes & MeRMaid taiL & paLM tRees & gLitteR in a gLass & puRified h2o foR pRayeR in those Lil jaRs & 2 binkies...a pinkish & a bLueish...

& beLow is a heaRt pastRy dough its stRawbeRRy wit stRawbeRRy cReaM cheese fRosting & Rainbow sPRinkLes & cheRRies in a heaRt shape & caRe beaRs & sponge bobe & dice & Money MetaL sign & diaMOnds & candLes wit prisMa Rainbow decoRated behind it see~

& the$e fRee $tyLe pRayeR videos of Me MiMing a MiMe MyseLf a ReMix a Mix of 2 diff tunes of gwen stefani & MeLanie MaRtinez that M.M. & LesLie goRe & happy biRthdaze instRuMentaL whoev & wutev eLse not Mentioned cLick Link individuaLLy 2 $ee~


$tReet baRbie attend My 38th biRthdaze januaRy 15th 2024 cLick Link 2 $ee~


cLick this Link aLso bout My 38th biRthdaze~


this next Link is this fLoweR candLe thing i got its Like tha ganji faiRies was theRe too cLick 2 see~

& theRe*$ Me beLow on januaRy 15th 2024 on a MOndaze $ee~

Happy biRthdaze 2 ME 4RoM MyseLf & My actuaL faMiLy tha victiMs individuaLs that R innocent intensionaLLy 24/7

Like My actuaL identity duh

& eaRLieR My daughteR got me a caRaMeL fRappaccino wit whip cReaM & sugaR cRystaLs

She say they got no Rainbow spRinkLes

& she got Me a cake pastRy dough LoLLi pop …she didnt wanna take any pic$ $he baReLy Made it fRoM wut i caLL $uMMa heR abduction$ Like who R these peopLe 24/7 is who they ReaLLy R aLong wit anybody duh! but heRe*s a pictuRe of us on a diff daze see theRe*$ Mya Loka LiL cLown angeLina baLLeRina RacheL LaMb caRe beaR TRoLL daze g jeRoMe Many naMes etc.~

& spRinkLes cupcake spRakLes tha 3Rd attend

aLong wit diff doLLs Like baRbie & MoRe...

& My daughteR was theRe & i teLL heR don*t sing out Loud unLess she wants to so she end up sitting in siLence & then i say this b4 bLowing out tha candLes & MoRe...

PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh BLa BLa BLa Like high bye


My webpage~


i don't ReMeMbeR wut tyMe i was boRn...but i kinda ReMeMbeR king god appeaR & offer to sin or not to sin & the higher gods kings & godesses queens above him diff kingdoms or wutev those places & locations called individually & entirely that high & wutev & whoev else in spirit

as i memory maze on when my soul was made at Rainbow falls & wutev else & at the falls i had full function...Then  in this ReaLM its like diff disabilities PpLagued upon Me &*s iLLgaL wut tha peasants do duh! & if I got taken out immediately bye real doctors like bibLicaL geniou$e$...even tho multiplying thru peRveRsion happen iLLegaLLy when it do...& at 9 months i woulda done more bye then & Now...For example my soul was made ApRiL 1985 & sickos schitzophrenics knew i was in there in My bioLogoicaL biRth MoMMy body in My ReMains that was Raped into heR even if she Rape duRing those MoMents too...Like ew yuck gRoss...peRveRts & sum sickos awaRe a Me they nick name me diamond Krystal because thats tha month of aprils birth diamond & schitzos criminal humans peasants intensional sinners victimizers was already trying to communicate wit me in my mind letting me know they wanna rape me others claim they gonna kill me or both & wutev eLse not Mentioned...Anywaze i was born januaRy 15th 1986 as i & others know & it's my birth month & happy hoLidaze 24/7

EitheRwaze like eveRydaze & unbiRthdaze duh!...


b4 i Made those pastRy dough Rose & heaRt cakes...Tha Stu pid bakeRy teLL Me it’s $100 for that cake i ask bout?!

SO Like i jus do a remix a mix of my own wutev Like in tha iMages & videos shown eaRLieR in this aRticLe post bout ReaL Life ReaLity...I got rose shape pans & heart diamond & cup cakes & other mini heaRt cakes & more & all these different characters & figurines i decoRate wit...

They try to charge that stupid amount for similar toppings like unicorns & whoev & wutev else @that bakeRy...they shouLda jus gave Me the stupid cake of My own design oR wutev i Request 4 fRee oR suMthing Like it*s My biRthdaze & is it thieRs 2 Maybe?!...anywaze

I got Rainbow sprinkles & im Made Rose shaped ice cream cake & sum cupcakes & jus a heaRt cake & wutev else...Like wutev Happy hoLidaze 24/7 This tyMe i think on My biRthdaze

There's gonna be hooLa hooping juggLing bye Me & face painting wit gLitteR & Maybe juMp Rope also & dice roll & cards & Toss tha pigs & Chess possibly if there’s tyMeAlong with a movie

Cake ice cream A dinner & park if there’s tyMe & Free style prayer dancing with music & wutev

Else Like Wut i do off & on since the 80s suMtyMes alone

& depends on my physical dysibility if sciatica which I got diff kinds of physical disabilities since i was a baby duh!!!!!!!!!! But wutev...

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