this link beLow goes wit this post & MoRe~
Anywaze~ Look cage fRee Mayo co. since 1913 that's b4 my supposive bioLogicaL biRth gRandma daze...
I look
@my caLendaR & it's that hoLidaze
sum caLL Mother's daze this sundaze ...
It's like that magic bench knew again ...
Like when the iron supplements was there & more ...
It's all on servailance the magical bench thing area...
I got movies real new & fancy biblical dishes & arts & crafts & wutev else...
Anywaze if my bioLogicaL biRth gRandma get$ the magically made cage free Mayonnaise...
Tell her its from her real family the roosters & chickens that lay these eggs & those clogne machines is how they are multiplied sumtymes also ...same thing really like when Jctpop~jesus Christ the prince of peace multiplies the fish story...
He's the first to multiply things clogne machine like he inspired that invention duh!!!!!
But wutev...
She uses it as food & beauty cReaM & MoRe...
MoRe info bout My bioLogicaL biRth gRandMa on my biological birth mommy side in that Link beLow cLick to see~
i this Mayo it's ReaLLy 64 fL oz!
it ReMinds Me of that bibLicaL fiLM that ReMinds how food is Like goLd suMtyMes...ReMeMbeR that Movie in tha 90s!?
& It's Mentioned in bibLicaL education eitherwaze...
aside fRoM when my souL was made & other bibLicaL education I got & continue to get...
i thought since I can't help my biological birth grandma that Doris Ann(e) keLL(e)y aka (aLso known as) emeralds caRRots aka natuRaL ReMedies aka Nana aka many names etc.
That I can give her this kinda goLd
so it doesn't go bad
oR I will find a waze to pReseve it Longer once it's open if i get Left wit it...
Did u know she REALLy baiths in it
& she use appLe cider vinegar also as an astringent on her skin too...
I personally do my own thing too & i use to take shots of apple cider vinegar as my own thing
but I hung out wit NatuRaL ReMies b4 that eMeRaLds caRROts Many naMes etc.
& she Lathers her skin in Mayo for those oMega 3 vitamins a~z to suRvive her situation abduction RegauRdLess of who she really is 24/7
Her ABDUCToRS try to control her every move they drug her rape her til.her teeth fell out & other crimes they do e similar to me & others duh!
Like if I end up wit it I need to find a Waze to make it last longer like I only eat bout a tea spoon to a spoon or a table spoon a daze aRound that aMount I got...
But I cook wit it too in pastry dough & more...
Depends on wut events & wutev else is going on My calendar schedule ...