Love this 80s style hip hop it's so Dr Seuss & rappin rockin barbie & kazaam Shaq version of that movie kinda music love these kinda lyrics they so chillax like Wutev I wish my sciatica goes awaze I miss the 80s & 90s double Dutch juMp rope I pRobLy can still do but I cant cart wheel or twirl around the bars & suMtyMes cant climb or go on poles like it's so easy B4 my sciatical condition got worse I can still hoola hoop & roller skate & MORe...
I find waze round it to function while waiting on nerve abLation non surgical Lazer
As I wait I do diet fitness vitamins free style pRayer biblical educational & fae fashion art etc & Wutev else not mentioned
CLick Linkd individually to see me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR a ReMix a Mix of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe to $Llick Rick tune titLed hey young world
& Eric b. & Rakim SONG i Ain't no joke cut #1~