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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

kyLie ko$Metic$: i Love the Lip $hade$ a Rainbow of pasteLs & bRite$ & otheR coLOR$~

Updated: Jan 23

thats kyLie kosMetics woMan above...weaRing the Lip paint! Looks Like a bLueish shade of heRs...

i actuaLLy got a bubbLe guM baRbie kinda pink kyLie ko$Metic$ Matte Lip wand paint thing b4 on saLe suMwheRe but i dont got fund$ 2 get it 4 otheR pRice$ @ that tyMe duh! so thats the onLy $hade i got of heR LuckiLy otheR bRand$ caMe tHru 4 Me wheRe they siMiLaR quaLity Like ioni & ReMi Rose & LoReaL & coveR giRl wet n wiLd &Love junkie & wutev eLse they aLL got the diff Make up coLoRishb paintish paints even @the 99 cent onLy stoRes wheRe they got in kyLie kosMetic bags onLy i dont got the xtRa funds they was a coupLe doLLaRs which at that stORe i got otheR things instead...

heRe she is again doing a waze diff Look! see~

FRee styLe pRayeRs of Me MiMing a MiMe My$eLf a ReMix a Mix of to that tune oj bye young jeezy f. jada kiss & cLick Link beLow to see~


Related videos fRoM saMe daze diff tyMe click individuaLLy to see~



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