so next is k.k. kiM kaRda$hian da$h doLL Many naMe$ Like f.a.e.~fa$hion aRt etc. $he $taze ModeLing fitne$$...wit 1 a heR pRoducts that happens 2 be an eneRgetic beveRage i havent tRy it yet but see heRes the adveRtizeMent of it & its suppposiveLy aLReady in suM stoRes & onLine 2 oRdeR on googLe & MoRe~
so whiLe out & about i finaLLy got tha k kaRda$hian dRinks in this post & theRes otheRs...i got eM fRee at CVS STORE B CUS My coupon fRoM pRevioius tRansaction say Like $5 off next puRchase oR suMthing Like that & they Like 2 foR $5 oR wutev so in got thios fLavoR & anotheR & i did a fRee styLe pRayeR a Me MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of wit thEM on tha diRty sand ocean sea beach 2 a tune titLed wishfuL sinfuL bye the dooRs 1 a My favoRite jiM MoRRison songs type this Link on youtube oR cLick on it & the LiL fiLM thing i Made wiLL pop up~
NOT DONE yet tho gonna add MoRe k.k. things 2 thins Like she got Make up & fash & wutev eLse...& she on that show keeping up with the kaRdashians & MoRe!...
she need$ 2 get Rescued obviousLy but at Least she got hER Location of wheRe heR pRopeRty suppose 2 b neaRest 2 heR biRth pLace oR at it huh?!
Like wut did the accuRate Lie ditectoR test say & design got appRoved... i dont know otheR than that iLLegaLLy Land scaping is iLLegaL duh
so it needs to go awaze
iM waiting & seeking aLL My ResouRces too
aLso heRe*$ $uM FRee styLe pRayeRs of Me MiMing a MiMe My$eLf a ReMix a Mix of to that tune oj bye young jeezy f. jada kiss & cLick Link beLow to see~
ReLated videos fRoM saMe daze diff tyMe click individuaLLy to see~