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Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Sep 11, 2022




So I went 2 a bibLicaL gatheRing & I bRought suM hand Made & suM bought & eitheRwaze bibLicaLLy put 2getheR fRee styLe pRaze gifts 4 suM otheRs who aLso cLaiM 2 b BibLicaL repResentatives individuaLs too that victoRia porcelain doll name & Ann(e) another character & Jim like Morrison attended this crisis of reality based o. Wut we all claim to got access to...

...& They say out loud that pRayeR that is mentioned in BibLicaL education~ That goes like... do on to eaRth (bibLicaLLy speaking that Land a dReaMs) as it is in heaven (biblically speaking all kingdoms that high) & more...

Is that part that really reminds me to help do so...

& They include prayers...

Regarding my abducted daughter & whoev & wutev else is going on in geneRaL...

Like aside from that do more than pray duh!!!!!!

Anywaze 1 a the pResents I got theM is fRoM I Love The 99 Cents Only Stores!

A biblical tiny water fall fountain that talks on hope & invisible & etc In writing & spiritually & symbolically...

It reminds a lil a when my soul was made & the reality of wut it's supposed to be & why it's not like LiteraLLy in writing...

Anywaze I made a necklace & include hoLy h2o & tea & lolli pops & BibLicaL education...

& They gave me a gift card to the 99 cent only stores!!

So I went back & got me a fountain mini water fall also for myself & my cat sprinkles cupcake SPRAKLES THA 3rd!!

It reminds me in how jctpop jesus chRist the prince of peace sumtymes multiplies things!!!!!

MagicaL Messages Rainbow remindeRs...

My webpage~

below is a pic of mine mybinspiration fountain that ima add diamonds & glitter && unicorns & more eventually like when i get access to more of my own Reources individually duh!!!!!!!! this is 1 @ my steppin stones & next 2 my mini waterfall thing is 1 a my angel doll things playing 1 a my favorite instruments the violin! its like in can hear it & really memory maze on when my soul was made i showed my cat sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd as a rainbow reminder magical message for her 2 see too...she use to b my daughter angelina rachel many names etc. cat but she not okay@ that tyme to have her maybe never i dont know we all need our resources individually eitherwaze & will probly get into eachothers calendars duh! imagine a paw print in ur schedule & u i thiers...i dont know every cats tail but i know i need to do more when i can 4 them & more like the animals in general...

& as the picture next will show i got this displayed under a disney princess fake xmas tree its pastel purple pink blueish etc, that i keep up 24/7 like happy holidaze there*s more decor round it & through out My $teppiNg $toNe that*s also biblically inspiRed i know thats aLMost everything huh?

ReaLity update$~

still trying to reach out to Victims other than myself that got access to doing more like authorities wit lie ditector test & Lazer disintegration & bombs & other weapons & ResouRces duh!

in the Links below click on individualluly or type on Google or my webpage address if typed on YouTube will take u to all my YouTube videos but if written on Google my webpage will pop up same title tho~

Rainbow coLoR$ i$ Like a ReMindeR of God*$ (KiNG$) & gode$$e$ (queen$) pRoMi$e$ & Ro$e$ THEY BOTH $uMMa thieR cReation$ whetheR king ALLAH or king god or another god or ALL THA GOD*$ (king$) & godesses (queens) HELPED HiM OR NOT & ALL THiER tyMing is when things ReaLLy happen & again suM wiLL see wut it*s suppose be ReaLity others continue thier xistance that blindly duh!...

To whom this may concern...i don't owe any1 anything!? That's fraud to say so...there's lie ditector test & real authorities that got disintegration Lazers...& Electrical vehicles that fly too & whatever else not mentioned... Like wheRe*s aLL My ResouRces!? It's illegal to got a business with out making sure every1 got all thier resources they entitled to & more! These illegally Land scaped places need to end! Everything is supposed to be made of palace like materials & approved locations & designs on a lie ditector test & with actual authorities & whatever else not mentioned!... only pray unless that's really all you can do...& Legally Authorities with weapons like disintegration guns & lie ditector test more are required!!!! along with resources & whatever else ...that's the full job description of a biblical representative individual & an authority & business & educational & more! like i myself am a biblical representative individual but I don't got access to everything I need to better assist others at this time ...TheRe*s Lie ditectoR test & ReaL authorities & LateR in this message is links click on it or type each individually on Google 2 see the based on true story wit images...they are also found on my blog post in my website~


More links ...

& PERSiAN PRAyER i MADE UP~SpaRkLes PRAyeRs victiMs DREAMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED TO...DUH!

& My webpage~

To whom this may concern~invent heLp ReLated Links RegauRding an idea I added my education & that company already Patten...& that poorily of Mine that I coLLab wit My cat eLectRik gisMo that 3Rd & My daughteR I onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal!




It's filled wit BibLicaL education & FASHiON ART ETC. & Stories like ACOMA & BLOG POST & MORE! WAZE EDUCATIONAL & REALITY UPDATES ARE THERE TOO...PERSIAN PRAYER I MADE UP~SPARKLES PRAYRES VICTIMS DREAMING RESCUE THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7 LIKE DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED TO...DUH! Links below regaurding other situations that need to be situated because of uneducated individuals cRiMinaLs peasants that are trying to take over wit perversion & power & control & drugs like psych meds & fake authorities & fake doctors like fake medical Resentatives & fake Educational RepResentatives & more duh! They in cults like psychology & whatever else not mentioned...



& More info found on my YouTube videos title the same as my webpage if you type it on YouTube my videos will pop up if you type it on Google my webpage & more links to me & etc will show...along wit I'm On Facebook & in person...Those peasants cRiMinaLs need to accept they don't qualify & victims like me are entitled duh! This is illegal! There is BibLicaL doctor genious lie ditector test Lazer disintegration & other weapons & whatever else like real laws reminded in all religions that are 100% true Beware of fake versions of sum books a knowledge they sumtymes twisted wit lies & truth so they not as true...

2 PRay i$ 2 pRaze in diff waze Like aLL tha ReLigions aRe 100% tRue...ReaL Laws that can*t b change & aRE 2 be enfoRced Like PURiTy oveR pERveRsion & fact v.s. fiction & ReaLity v.s. fantasy & justice oveR justify & MoRe! & actuaL authoRities in position 2 do so those who R aLLowed & quaLify & aRe entitLed 2 situate situations wit RequiRed Lie ditectoR test & weapons of aLL kinds Like LazeR disintegRation & wutev eLse Like bibLicaL doctoR geniouses aRe suMMa tha highest they deaL wit MetaL skeLetons & cLognes & natuRaL ReMedies & ResouRces & DReaMs & inventions & bibLicaL education...& aside fRoM that u can do this pRaying thing bye fashion aRT etc. & dancing wRiting waLking taLking & incLude inscents & candLes & rugs & jeweLeRy & More! chuRch & howev else Not Mentioned is how suM talk 2 king god & the otheR gods(kings) & godesses(queens) duh! ...but 2 pRey is iLLegaL it*s a FoRM of victiMizing suM1 oR suMthing suM tRy 2 disguise that kinda pReying wit wut Mite Look Like PrayeR...Like bLa BLa BLa...anywaze...on otheR MeMoRy Mazing~ i pRaze in diff waze 2 diff gods(kings) & godesses(queens) & i freestyle prayer & remix & mix fashion art etcwhen i do pRay w/Rug tyMe i let king god know during this convo im not talking to hem im obviously talking 2 king allah another god duh! & sumtymes my cat electrik gismo tha 3rd would run over & go on tha rug too & join in tha praying & that convo also! ...king allah that god didnt mind he love how we praze that waze & other kinds too which includes all the gods(kings) & godesses(queens) & thuer lil princesses & lil princes & DREAMS...Like fashion art etc. & below is links of me free styling prayer rug prazing & MoRe a vARiety each video staRts wit https://...cLick on individuaLLy 2 see they aLL get diff thRough out suM R siMiLaR but none tha same Like LiteRaLLy if u see tha 1st v.s Last & otheRs in between they all that diff duh~click each https://...individually 2 see...

& beLow is 1 a My favoRite beLLy danceRs that $adie Marquardt...Many NaMeS etc.~ she obviousLy fRee styLe pRaze wit cReatUres thRough MiddLe eastERn dance & MoRe duh!~ Like Look how MagicaL if u don*t see u pRobLy tha Lowest of Peasants Like pRincesses & pRinces do see this waze...tha Magic!...

beLow is about that aRt woRk above bye Me in MoRe detaiL~

$paRkLe$~RacheL MicheLe'

i gotta $tuffed UnicoRn NaMed $paRkle$...$he wa$ wit Me when I wa$ on tha $tReet back in tha daze...{ALLAH & GOD & ALL THA GOD$ ALWAZE KNOW My $ituatioN & heR$ too & everybody & eveRthing incLuding tRee$ & wutev$ NOT Mentioned}...$he $tiLL aRouNd & Live$ wit Me...tha fiRe woRk$ in My aRt work R actuaLLy @ 1$t victiMizeR$ going up on $paRkLy Rocket$ & they di$iNgRate on tha waze up in tha $kie$ b4 tha Light$ $hiMMeR & gLitz $hine & bLing in Diff coLoR$ Like a PRi$Ma a diaMond$ that Light up a$ b they $hatteR in tha nite! dopefuLLy beautifuL huh? Like duh! MORe a Rea$oN 2 Launch theM eveRy evening when it$ daRk out$ide I MeaN wheRe eL$e do they Look theiR be$t & get 2 b that fRee? 1 it$ Like cLa$$icaL Mu$ic oR tea tyMe...duh!...Like why NOT deLete that kind wheRe they cant inteRvene wit tha victiM$ vioLin houR oR wuteveR...tha woman on tha fLying pRayeR Rug i$ Me!... Tha Man on tha otheR pRayeR Rug I$ My biological daddy Mo haMMed Ka zeM Ka vand wutta an idiot woR$hipping ibiLi$: tha cobRa is a syMboL of *ibilis~a chaRacteR fRoM tha *QUARAN! A 100% EVERY LETTER 2 WORD TRUE stoRie$/hi$toRy/etc.!~altho he got other faces jus like Many... As 4 Mo, a peR$iaN $woRd he Look$ 4waRd 2 u$ing on victiMizer$ LiKE THERE$ $O mANY WAZE 2 DI$INGRATE THEM! onLy a DREAM A Hi$ oR a de$tiny...Like I haven't LO$T My THRONE!!!!! & I NEVER WiLL! I AM A PER$iAN PRiNCE$$ yup I'M 1 a tha $aNd$ it$ cooL! & Many MoRe! Like I aM a KRAZY KAUKA$iAN... & a $aNdNigga & a LepRechauN & tRibaL indian & etc. a pRince$$ a Many! Like of AMERiKA & PeR$ia & KaLi4 Nia & etc. & ALLAH & GOD & ALL THA GOD$ LiL PRince$$...Like theRe$ Many & pRiNce$ too!...tha hoof character$ RepRe$ent $toRie$ My $tep daddy uncle $a degh tell Me along wit tha cactu$ & tha $coRpian$ one! I gave heM tha oRiginaL a$ a gift along wit $uM otheR things Like a pRayer Rug & MY 1$T QUARAN & THA PASSiON OF CHRiST MOVie by MeL Gibson a 100% TRUE STORY OUTTA THA HOLY BIBLE & THE PICTURE BIBLE & MoRE BOUT$ JESUS AKA THA PRINCE OF PEACE & ETC. THA LiON i$ LiKE ALLAH & tha caMel i$ $a degh foLLowing behind a TRUE LEADER LEADiNG THA WAZE...THEY BOTH GOT PER$iAN $WORD$...LiKE $UM PRiNCE{$} & pRiNce$${e$} OF KiNG$ {queen$ R not no body bui$ne$$ but I know they xi$t & tha actuals r not huMan oR aniMaLs they saMe like tha king$}...THERES ALSO ART LIKE LOKA & LOKO & CLOWNY DESIGNS AS MY SIGNATURE STYLE ALSO & THA FARSi @ tha top say: PER$iAN PRiNCE IN THA NAME OF THA LiON then below Me say per$ian pRince$$ in faR$i & tha palm tree IS LiKE THA BEACHE$ & tha diamond$ R Like birth $toNe$ & other geM$ & $hade$ NOT ALWAZE Mentioned & THA WHOLE THiNG LACE IN GOLD {goLdi$h paint & gLitter & geL pin$...dnt got any actual oR I woLd got$ gold thread & ReaL gold Mixed in tha paint & pen$ & MoRe} & NATURE & WUTEVER & ETC.

& next i$~$PARKLE$: LikeThi$ *SPARKLE

i$ ju$ 1 a My stuffed UnicoRn$ that I got in 2005! tiL Now! $he been on tha $tReet wit Me & Many other adventuRe$...$he tha $aMe one Mentioned in My ARt work: $paRkLe$ tho

Like DeLete like don't include any peRveRsion & other dysfunctional retardation in ur caLendar 24/7 & u will better see again wut ur schedule needs to be...duh!

💎Tha MetaL pLaygRound ~RacheL MicheLé McLAiN AKA KRi $TAHyENA KA VAND AKA MANy NAME$ AKA ETC.

*it ReaLLy spins back MeMoRies & spins DREAMS & ETC.💎


& heRe$ a Link bout tha MetaL pLaygRound in MoRe detaiL beLow~



befoRe scRoLLing MoRe jus cLick these Links below individuaLLy 2 see tha video i Made of MyseLf they taLk on that iMage above & MoRe RegauRding tha egg & goLd & MoRe it*s Like an intRo. duh you*LL see Like LiteRaLLy & ye$ it i$ inspiRed bibLicaLLy~




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