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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

eventuaLLy tha LAND OF DREAMS WiLL b wut it’s suppose to be! Like Wit zeRo disabiLity& eveRy individuaL wiLL be MORE FREE!~

Updated: Jun 30

above is wut Look$ Like: 3 goat aniMaLs & that MusicaL chaRacteR skate boaRdeR & wuteveR eLse he is that king iso is a titLe he go bye otheR than his actuaL identity as a suM kinda pRince oR peasant pRince oR jus a peasant?!

Like who you R intensionaLLy 24/7 is wut u ReaLLy R intensionaL

Like intension$ R eveRything!

Like Wow this iMage eaRLieR i see on fb is just Like a Live MiRacLe Round these paRt$…


eventuaLLy tha LAND OF DREAMS WiLL b wit it’s suppose to be

Wit zeRo disabiLity

& eveRy individuaL wiLL be MORE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


next is that king iso Many NaMes etc. skate boaRding i seen this on facebook aLso known as fb & MoRe cLick Link $ee~


heRe*$ suM king iso tunes that i did fRee styLe pRayeRs a ReMix a Mix of Me MiMing MyseLf a MiMe cLick individuaLLy 2 $ee~

NO HOPE TUNE Bye twisted insane & king iso & whoev eLse is in this song i dRess up as a deMon thing cLown wit bLood teaRs Like jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace~



PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing

Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh


Like high bye


MoRe king iso tunes wit Me doing fRee styLe pRayER to theM a ReMix a Mix Of Me MyseLf MiMing A MiMe cLick individuaLLy 2 see oR type on youtube~





My webpage~

beLow i$ a $iMiLaR $toRy i caMe acRo$$ in tha Late 80s & eaRLy 90s Round that tyMe~

& next that$ THE CAT in the hat that dR. suess book &b fiLM chaRacteR see~

but 1 a My favoRite dR. $ue$$ book$ is in this iMage beLow~it*$ bout an aniMaL that doe$nt got his ResouRces Like wheRe doe$ he go tiL then?! peasants say the zoo but in this stoRy suM say he can be in a ciRcus & the wiLd ReMinds Me of My seLf in the 80s Like that anotheR MeMORy of Mine bout MyseLf tho not this chaRactER i got suM things in coMMOn wit...

& cLick this Link beLow 2 see oR type on googLe~

thi$ po$t i$n*t done yet!

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