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deMOn$ dazing & fRee styLe pRazing Like ganji faiRie$ & othER kReatuRes & chaRacteRs~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Dec 27, 2024

above & beLow is ME @this chuRch a PLace i caLL~THE Window of: MagicaL Me$$age$ + Rainbow ReMindeR$ + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset $tain gLa$$ Location@: 420 W. 19th $t Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAM$...

 CLick Link beLow to see A free style prayer a remix a mix of me miming a mime myself 

 1st song is a singing pLant fRoM Tha Scottish santa klaus Kris Kringle London coat James many names etc. 

from chuRch


 & then bad Religion tune titled faith 

 Eventually take a trip wit TWISTED INSANE & other musical characters I don’t remember at the moment

Eitherwaze I did a fashion style of deMon jeweLeRy box baLLeRina fauwn cReatuRe ganji fairy chaRacteR clown doLL thing~

& heRes anotheR twisted insane fRee styLe praYeR i di to taht tune Make it outta this RooM i incLuded it in this post b cus i dRess up as a deMon charactEr aLso but this tyMe its suppose 2 RepResent a deMonic thing a reaLM oveR Making fun of the sinneR 4 doing wut the song sings bout Like even if its jus poetRy LoL suMtyMes deMons & otheR cReations Look Like that ceLebRating situations they cant do anything bout Like a foRM of pRayeR oR fitness oR wutev i think i kinda captuRe how demons suMtyMes React Like when My oLder half brother jon many names etc. use 2 get in tRouble as my MoM yeLL at him in his RooM deMons would Run down the haLL to make fun a him & Lucifer would say come on & he fLy theRe & ganji faiRies & More & we all make fun a him i did demon style poses & faces & he start Laughing & i run off as our supposive biologicaL birth Mommy tell why u Laughing wuts so funny then i went outside to hi window & show my face like a clown & he Laugh again i dissappear & our biological birth mommy act like he seeing things or sumthing as he kept Laughing outta no wheRe anywaze thats awaze diff stORy cLick link 2 see~

 & since i dont got weapons that high wit an accuRate Lie ditector test i given gifts & Make up & wigs & fRagRances for peopLe 2 have suM Respect Or if they ReaLly dont got access now they kinda do 2 go on & eithER Leave Or do MoRe whiLe waiting for ReaL authoRities duh!!!!!! Like who R these peoPLe wut R thiER intensiona 24/7?! i dont undeRstand this ReaLity other than its not wut its suppose 2 b! church ois suppose 2 b of fashion aRT etc. pLays & dancing & events & spoRts & hiking & b cRafts & Making the Land of dReaMs a betteR pLace & MoRe foR fRee suM donations & tips accepted...& theRes suppose 2 b indooR & outdooR RecycLing watER faLLs at chuRches 2 ReMind anyone when thiEr souL is Made wit hoLy chaLice piMp cup 2 dRink fRoM that h2o & they suppose 2 b evERywhERe RecycLing watERfaLLs aLl oveR the ocean sea & ponds & pooLs & Lakes & RiveRs & MORe duh!

Rachel Michelé McLain is My birth name & I was born at 694 w Wilson st Costa Mesa, California on January 15, 1986 baby girl garnet biblically speaking in the land of dreams  Anywaze I don’t got all my resources as I continue waiting & seeking them entirely I usually reside at diff temporary stepping stones with in the Costa Mesa, California borders like I’m supposed to until my property is ready around there 


Click link lateR to see Me on the go getting ready for church a lil Free style prayer of me miming a mime a remix a mix of to a twisted insane tune wit other musical characters but I forgot the title of Tha song at the moment eitheRwaze he lyrically mention demons & todaze I dress up as a creature jewelwry box ballerina ballet demonic thing see & I don’t always know wut he is singing bout but his beats & sounds lyrical r sum how Motivating & occasionally biblically inspired regardless of his biblical educational level he still includes sum kinda scripture sum tymes even if he mite not know wut it means or for wutever reason Mention it & I don’t under stand why he talk n*gg**$ that often is it a made up identity or is it just in general they r a kind of intensional criminal that xist ?! He talk on sands also & more…jus like Tupac Shakira say all you n*gg**$ die like are they both part Persian or sum kinda middle eastern like they harder to get to?! They jus look more like n*gg**$ to sum people I don’t know not everyone wut they look like sumtymes they is but wutev his poetical poetry not mine to define I it’s guess wut it can be or should be or wutev like wut I automatically think or ?! When I hear wutev it’s not like I can ask rite then or ever huh it is wut is duh Like bLa bLa bLa~

& aftER chuRch i baith these cats eveRydaze in dawn dish soap~

Myo Loko Lino button$ $paRkLe$ diaMoNd$

& angeL panthER spaRkLe$ annae

& $pRinkle$ cupcake $pRakLe$ tha 3Rd

 This genie looks like a deMon combined with ganji fairy only Waze taller like a human silohuette but creature features Click that link next see in thi$ Movie~

& i aLso watch this fiLM THE iNTRUDER$ staRRing icaRLy MiRanda co$gRove that chaRactEr actRess fRoM nickeLodeon OR disney oR both i dont aLwaze ReMeMbeR cLick Link 2 seee that MOvie Rite now it$ fRee & MIte not aLwaze b~

ye$teRdaze i attend jo$ie & Ryan yeaRLy taMaLe Making biBLicaL gatheRing they get tha Maza dough goingthey teLL the ingRedients they use in tha Mix then they jus have eveRy1 heLp fiLL theM wit diff fiLLings & tieoR foLd theM in those wRappeR Leaf things & they put in a giant steaM pot tiL they done cooking & they bRought suM 2 chuRch & gave theM out 4 fRee & i & whoeve eLse gives tips & donations 2 thieR non pRofit buisness Like heRes suM pics fRoM that event...thats theM wit 1 of thiER wizaRd of oz styLe dogs he does Look Like toto but they say his naMe is aLfie so i got hiM that suMbReRo & i tie on doRothy judy gaRLand kinda dRess pRinted Ribbon Like that fiLM see~

& i didnt know of these otheR paws & taiLs they got they say that biggeR toto is bat Man & i 4got that otheR naMe eitheRwaze here they aLL R~

NOT DONE yET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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