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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

DEMON DAZE: Like ye$teRdaze toMoRRoze & 2daze duh~

Updated: May 5

that above iMage is Me in that cage thing those aRent My Legs tho they aLReady theRE they fake at a caRnivaL thing but that ReaLLy Looks Like a giaNt deMOn huh?!

& beLow is My daughtER angeLina baLLeRina RacheL LaMb aMethyst diaMOnd$ Mya Loka LiL cLown daze g jeRoMe caRe beaR tRoLL undeR bRidge Many naMes etc. wit a diff deMOn statue theRe she is in tha cage see tha fake Legs Look Like heRs aLso duh~

& beLow is Me at knott$ $caRy faRM 2023 they say the RULES ARE no dRess up oR a ceRtain LeveL of Make up styLe so i tone it down & they Let Me in Like this...& i gone theRe b4 thRu tha yeaRS...

i went wit My supposive LiL haLf sisteR cousin Ra cheLLe yvonne Many naMEs etc. & My daughtER angeLina RacheL Many naMes etc. thats us in tha iMage beLow & we got fa$t pa$$ ticket$ so Like zeRo Line$~

& Me RAcheL MicheLe' Many naMEs etc. & My daughtER angeLina RacheL Many naMes etc. thats us in tha iMage beLow~

& Me RAcheL MicheLe' Many naMEs etc. & My supposive LiL haLf sisteR cousin Ra cheLLe yvonne Many naMEs etc.

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