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deMOn$ & angeL$ & otheR cReatuRes & ReaLitie$:it*$ haLLoween dRess up & candy~happy hoLidaze 24/7...

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Halos & wings & hoRns & taiLes & things EitheRwaze like happy hoLidaze 24/7 duh! Dress up eveRydaze…

anywaze as u can see in that iMage above is Me & angeLina RacheL Many naMes etc. its haLLoween & she dRess up as a kinda angeL & u pRobLy notice wheRes tha haLo?! i went 2 buy heR 1 Last Min Like she ask & they aLL Ran outta tha stOREs Like no MoRE so i Made heR a haLo that she was gonna coveR tha head band paRt wit diff fabRic Lynn bRought LateR...heRe it is tho bye itseLf see~

she say she Like it onLy LatER she say she dont wanna weaR it anyMORe Like at aLL she got in a Mood so iM hoLding it in tha pictuRe of us & she say she jus wanna go 2 tha paRty of dRess up & candy & dance aLReady zeRo perveRsion no dRugs nothing iLLegaL she say & as u can see iMa deMOn cReatuRe thing witta bibLicaL educationaL scRiptuRe quote i added & tuRn into a neckLace i weaR it as...

at that tyMe iM in tha MiddLe of Moving & i got physicaL disabiLity of sciataica so i dont aLwaze know how iMa function as i did suM fRee styLe pRayER videos a ReMix a MIx of Me MiMing a MiMe in b tween cLeaning & packing cLick Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see~




& My bioLOgicaL BiRth MoMMy LunaticaLLy LunaticaL Lunatic Lynn aka p.p. pee puddLe MAny naMes etc. she caMe to heLp wit tha Moving thing she occassionaLLy gets sciaticaL attacks aLso...

eitheRwaze we aLL went 2 dinneR see~

& My supposive LiL haLf sisteR cousin Ra cheLLe yvonne Many NaMes etc. she sent Me pics of heRseLf & oUR haLf niece nikki sheRi' aka Mikki Magik aka Many naMe s etc. see~

theRE they aRe beLow nikki & Ra cheLLe~

then angeLina went to that bibLicaL gathERing of haLLoween thing...

& Me & Lynn watch Movies & pLay toss the pigs aside fRoM packing & cLeaning...

cLick Links 2 see the eMpty stepping stone but it end up being Last Min b cus housing authoRity& pRopeRty ManageR butv wutev~


Like jus Moved fRoM this stepping stone:

400 MeRRiMac Way #42

costa Mesa, caLifoRnia 92626

to a coupLe dooRs down LiteRaLLy:

400 MeRriMac way #37

costa Mesa, CalIfoRnia 92626

bibLicaLLy speaking in the LAND OF DREAMS!

so My daughteR Angelina many names etc She end up not wanting 2 weaR tha halo thing I made for her angeL costuMe like she was going to she in a bad mood So after this pic my biological birth mommy Lynn many names etc Wrap a glittery thing round her head to at least LOOK Like a haLo But wutev Ima demon chaRacter wit blood tears of Jctpop Jesus Christ the prince of peace biblical educationaL Representative...

I fix tha halo thing like so it’s MoRe ciRcluLar I Re made it wit a Metal ciRcle I got at the doLLAR TREE Dollar Tree Like insteada jus tha wiRe thing & I still use same rhinestones & head band thing I tRy it on it’s spaRkLes dipetasticaL Bout wutev else See the images of tha haLo tho i Made 4 my daughteR Angelina a haLo but she say she will pRobLy still use wut Lynn My supposive bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy got to decoRate tha headband part but I use a wiRe to cReate the illusion it's floating too bad I didn't got cLeaR or silver so that it's not as seen but wutev I use rhinestones I got at the 99 cent only stores a diff tyMe The 99 Cent Only Stores In Costa Mesa, Cali. 92627 along wit that wire & headband As I combine theM together… It's not entirely done But wutev That’s also where I got My wig & that biblical education thing I’m wearing as a giant necklace thing & I got my Make up theRe too & those horns are Disney brand I got at the Wicked Chamber Boutique Another daze The dress I got it used & this head band gaRnet I got it at the dollar tree B4 & I went to the 99 cent only stores earlier b cus I'm in the middle of moving & i don't got access to everything packed awaze & My daughter say she needs a last minute halo to go wit angeL wings I got at the 99 another tyMe Like I dress up diff daze like happy hoLidaze 24/7 Anywaze They ran out of things like She shoulda tell me sooneR Luckily I was able to make this 1 see in these iMages… She say she going to a haLLOWEEN EVENT OF PUMPKiN caRving & tRick or treating & a paRty of dancing & caNdy & dRess up & Music & ZeRo peRveRion No dRugs No aLcohoL So hopefully that’s true Or whoev invite her Claiming that’s wut it’s bout this outting Needs to go to pRison or deported or disintegrated or all a tha above As I’m recovering from my previous sciaticaL attack I’m pRobLy gonna drink tea watch a movie & fRee styLe pRayeR a MiMe of Me MiMing a ReMix a Mix of & wutev else Like biblical educational & f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc.

PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh


Like high bye

& My webpage~




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