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Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Nov 19, 2023

jus Moved fRoM this stepping stone:

400 MeRRiMac Way #42

costa Mesa, caLifoRnia 92626

to a coupLe dooRs down LiteRaLLy:

400 MeRriMac way #37

costa Mesa, CalIfoRnia 92626

bibLicaLLy speaking in the LAND OF DREAMS!

Wit My cat spRinkLes cupcake spRakLes tha 3Rd

i got heR 4 My daughtER angeLina Rachel Many naMes biRthdaze yeaRs ago but she kept getting abducted dRugged Raped so i showeR tha cat when My sciatica isnt seveRe...

anywaze beLow is iMages of ouR stepping stone Like heRes spRinkles cupcake the 3Rd Many naMes etc. set up aRea see~

& beLow theRes an iMage of heR: that spRinkles cupcake spRakLes tha 3Rd Like theRes a vaRiety & she got MoRe things i didnt put those pictuRes yet in this post...

& i wanna get suMthing Like this next bibLicaLLy inspiRed aRt woRk the cats suppeR instead tha jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace veRsion which i got aLReady diff veRsions of it but the iMage beLow i thought wouLd b adoRbs 4 spRinkles see Like MAybe not this xact jus siMiLaR oR i dont know i seen it & i ReMeMbeR aLL My cats & MoRe!~Like tha daze of tha paw when aniMaLs Rise above the huMans foR they R mde MoRe hoLy & higheR duh Like My cat eLecTRik gisMo tha 3Rd teLL Me that iM his huMan & that huMans dont got cats!... that suM cats got huMans...

that is ReaL Laws & tha daze of no Meat Like theRe is eggs that aRent aniMaLs yet & Plants Like tofu & suM nuts & tea hERbs that got high oMega 2 Live on aside fRoM vitaMins a~z Like no MoRe eating aniMaLs & no MoRe cannaboLisM wiLL happen once these tea heRb PLants vitaMins aRE avaiLabLe huh?! Like duh!...

& next is an iMage of: jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace~ wit cats

NEXT is angeLina RacheL Mya Loka LiL cLown caRe beaR tRoLL Many naMes etc. RooM see~

next beLow iM doing MoRe cLowny styLe MOdeLing & she is obviousLy doing a peRsiaN pRincess Look but wit out tha exotic Make up & spaRkLy jeweLeRy see~

& beLow theRe*s heR vanity wit Me in tha MiRRoR...i heLp put eveRything heRe & theRe...she is sLoweR than b4...she ius RecoveRing stiLL fRoM abductions & being Raped & dRugged bye a vaRiety a peasants which incLudes heR cRiMinaL bioLOgicaL biRth daddy that abduct dRug Rape Me wit heR Like thats a diff stoRy...i teLL hER 2 tRy 2 b who she suppose 2 be! NOt who she get foRced 2 be oR who she think she wants 2 be unLess its tha saMe as who she suppose 2 be duh!!!!!!!!...

but she use 2 do MoRe MOdeLing & acting on heR fRee tyMe & f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc. & videos & poetRy & singing & swiMMing & fitness & fRee styLe pRayER Like on heR guitaR & dancing hip hop & Run waze & baLLet & bicycLe RidiNg & skate boaRding & boogie boaRding & waLking & dRawing & painting & pLays & theatRicaL & diff Make up Look suM cLowny coLORfuL dRaMatic but kiM kaRdashiaN & kyLie is heR Main Make up Look LateLy as i encouRage heR 2 do MoRe Like b4 & wutev eLse NOt Mentioned...

& next heRe*s My RooM its NoT done yet tho iM stiLL oRganizing & going thRu things so is angeLina 2 see wut is keeping oR tRashing OR giving awaze...

& beLow heRe*s My vanity see~

next aRe pics of Me b4 i got aLL that done above RegauRding My ROOM...i got things 2 go thRu as i Mentioned & i heLp set up tha cat & tha kid 1$t whiLe i do wutev in b tween...stiLL not done duh!




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